

+ Dripping.With.Sin +
Nov 26, 2001
rah rah rah rah rah!!

fucking amazing, 54 have come sooo far and its great!!

i got hideously drunken, cos a load of old college mates turned up, and one of them got me a few drinks! ;)

so i remember the set, and thats about it, but thats the main thing right!? hehe!!!:hotjump:
i know it was short, and Overload was first, there was a Cancer of the mind in their somewhere, and Beckoning of the end, and Last Embrace, there were others, i was drunk :D

if any come back to mind i will tell you, if not someone else who went please tell me!
I'll take no more, I've closed the door...Feels like I'll have a mental OVERLOOOAAAAAD *funky riff* \m/ I haven't seen Overload live but I bet it kicks loadsa frickin arse man! Maybe they'll play it @ Bolton :D Only 17 days to go :D:D:D

So really you were so shit-faced you can't remember what they played? :p It's all that cider and ribena Charlotte, know your limits :p
nooooo this time it was vodka, of the double kind!! eviiilllll!!!! i was soo shit faced i dont remember anything i said/did. Im pretty sure it was humerous for the band!! :D well they entertained me, its only fair i return the favour! ;)

but ive learned that my lovely pvc hotpants, make vodka magically appear in my hand!! amazering!! :)

ive seen overload live several times = fucking excellent :Spin:
:D PVC HOT PANTS!!! I'm not surprised they made drinks magically appear in your hand! :D Why can't any girls up our way wear pvc hot pants?? :( *packs suit case and heads south*

What did you think of Kill2This? I didn't really like them, they took up time that could have been 54's :D
HAHAHA!!! yeah head down south, and i will wear pvc hotpants every day!!! :) however im trying to find all ways of getting to Bolton! there is logic to the hotpants too, you see most of my skirts are as short as hotpants would be, so at least hotpants stay there and dont go any shorter!! see im clever me!!

I didnt mind kill2this, didnt really watch them :erk: oops!! im talking about the first time at winchester! But yeah, they take up time that coulda been 54, i think 54 shoulda carried on playing and been like NO we will not move!!

Laura looked soo amazing, i hate her!! hehehe!!!
lol yeah...Laura was wearing PVC @ the Hartlepool gig and all the guys jaws were dropping. Clever you :D I'm sure if you tried hitch hiking a lift to Bolton in your hotpants, it wouldn't be too long before sum1 stoppped for ya! :)

Me too...I would much rather 54 refused to leave the stage :D lol The time they were on stage flew by! :( That's the only thing I could fault, they werent on long enough!! :D
It always does fly its not fair, and the more you see them, the quicker it goes!! :(

im still up for kidnapping them, if you help me, i'll share!!! you can have the instruments and i will take the band! *nods* soo logical!! :) cos i cant do fuck all with instruments, but i can think of a few things to do with the band! ;)

its another slasher and charlotte thread!
lol yeah i know I noticed that too :D check your PM's! I'll settle for the instruments!! :D I can only play guitar but I'm sure I could learn bass and drums :D in a fashion

So..YEAH, deal! ;) When you've finalised the plans let me know ;) I'm not too sure I know what you're gonna do to/with them but..I'm sure you'll enjoy it even if they don't ;) :D :p
Darn my luck, I had to go book tickets for Arch Enemy the same night Fifty-four play London. Well, I was suitably entertained anyway, so can't complain =) I've never heard a woman roar like Angela, it was amazing. \m/ ROOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOWWWWWWWW