Camel - Never Let Go = Opeth - Benighted


New Metal Member
Apr 9, 2002
Barcelona, Spain
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Yesterday I downloaded some Camel albums (holy Dalnet) and
listening this song, "Never Let Go" from the album called "Camel",
I realized that the begining reminds me some Opeth song.

I don't know wich one ;)

I could be wrong, it could be a personal impression... :confused:
so I ask you to get that song and give me your opinion.
some of the opeth songs are so influenced by camel.just listen camel`s snow goose-intro..and record by record there is many similar`s not bad thing at all..influence man..influence:)
Yes I know that generally Opeth is influenced by Camel, but Akerfeld just copied the intro from that Camel song and put it on Benighted. I like it everyway.

Before listening to Camel, I read about their influence. I though how a 70's rock band could influence Opeth but afterwards I think that is really, really clear influenced. :eek:
Yeah, what inaeturnum is right the intro for The Snow Goose sounds a lot like the begginning in The Moor. And the part also in the Moor where Mikael's singing with the guitar medley. Camel does that a lot also. I have the song Never Let Go on MP3 and yes you can tell the influence. I really want Camel self-titled badly I only have Moonmadness, The Snow Goose and Mirage right now. By the way inaeternum what is you favorite In Aeternum Album??? I only have the The Pestial Plague (I think that's how you spell it) but I just wanted to know because I have not yeard anything about them for a long time.
opeth9999: :) now you got me wrong :)
this title of mine doesn`t mean that`s the meaning of this latin word:in means:to forever.. i think there is some black and trash metal bands under this title...actually i thought this is good name for my orchestra too but then i noticed that someone already got`s it. by the way..which band you meant?
Hey Opeth9999, I don't think "Camel" is that hard to find. I bought it at a record fair for 30 Kroner which is a little under 4 dollars. An average secondhand store here in Denmark charges 20 Kroner for a record (aprox. $2.50), so it's not that much. I also paid 30 Kroner for "Mirage" and 20 Kroner for "The snow goose".
I must admit that I don't see that much similarities between Opeth and Camel! I haven't got "Still life" yet, so I can't say if they just copied "Never let go", but if they did that would be crappy! I think influence and copying is two different things. You can hear that Type O Negative is influenced by Black Sabbath, but it's not like they just rip off Black Sabbath's riffs and write themselves as the songwriters. A lot of people do that nowadays, but they don't even wanna play the music themselves, they just tape over the record (sampling), which is even worse in my opinion! I think it's much better (and more talented and original) to come up with your own ideas and riffs instead of just copying some other guys record!
announcement: the 1,000,000th Opeth fan who gets the "Never Let Go" = "Benighted" connection, gets a free vacuum cleaner from Microsoft! :zombie:
Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow
I dled those two somgs, Demonspell, and Im loving it! Any otehr Camel reccomendation? Im really digging this.
the first four albums are all very, very extraordinary. here are their names:

"The Snow Goose"

you can find the tracklists and all info on, just don't read their reviews!

oh, and their 1999 album "Rajaz" is a nice one, but more moody, slow and melancholic.
ignore Stationary Traveller and just about everything after Rain Dances.

the 80's were a dreadful time for rock music... if i were born in the 70's, i would've probably put myself into anabiosis around '79 for ten years. bleh. :zombie: