Camera Policy For 2008?

Still waiting for confirmation from the IE camp, but as of right now...Thurs & Saturday will definitely be fine for still picture cameras.


If anyone is caught taping, the media (tape, disk, etc) will be confiscated & that person escorted out & not allowed back in.

You guys know how security is at the PR...and they will have our full support on this. :heh:
This might need some further clarification.
Almost every digital camera these days can record video with audio.

Does this mean no digital cameras?

I would think you could use your digital camera for taking photos but NOT video or audio...but I'm sure Rob and Chris will clarify.

Don't take the chance on getting thrown out by using it for anything other than photos.

Nice job on asking that may have opened a can of worms on that.
I wasn't trying to be difficult.
Though, someone could bring a digital, as it states above still pictures are allowed.
Though, if someone holds up a camera for more than 5 seconds, will security think someone is taking video? Maybe they are???

Anyhow, different people will interpret the rules differently, which is why I asked for the clarification.

I am not trying to be an ass or anything.
I never bring my camera to shows, which is why you guys are always subject to my cell phone camera magic!
I wasn't trying to be difficult.
Though, someone could bring a digital, as it states above still pictures are allowed.
Though, if someone holds up a camera for more than 5 seconds, will security think someone is taking video? Maybe they are???

Anyhow, different people will interpret the rules differently, which is why I asked for the clarification.

I am not trying to be an ass or anything.
I never bring my camera to shows, which is why you guys are always subject to my cell phone camera magic!

I understand what you are saying. I do think it will open a can of worms because, as you've pointed out, how long does someone have to hold their camera up before security tries to pop them? Are they going to be able to police that?

Here is another question to get people's heads ABOUT those camera phones??? You could just as easily take an audio/video with your camera phone right? Of course, the quality would maybe that's ok??? I don't know.

I just thought your question was amusing as it WILL get people thinking....
Well...all I can really say is that the burden of proof will be on the one using the camera. I know this is a difficult question because of the fact most digital camera can record video, but I guess if there's is any suspicion that someone is filming, that person will be asked to have their camera checked for footage/audio.

We'll bring this up in our meeting with the PR tomorrow & let you know for sure how they will handle this.

My recommendation is that if you choose to break the so at your own risk.
Well...all I can really say is that the burden of proof will be on the one using the camera. I know this is a difficult question because of the fact most digital camera can record video, but I guess if there's is any suspicion that someone is filming, that person will be asked to have their camera checked for footage/audio.

We'll bring this up in our meeting with the PR tomorrow & let you know for sure how they will handle this.

My recommendation is that if you choose to break the so at your own risk.

That is what I figured.

Fair enough.