Camera Policy For 2008?

do we really need more badly pixelated concert footage with bad audio on YouTube? Sure it is great to have pictures but the bad video that has been surfacing is painful to watch.

Don't watch!

Not everyone is going to bring pro gear to record bootleg footage.
(Hence, why it is called "bootleg" footage)

Sure, the quality of a lot of stuff on youtube blows, but when Novembers Doom or Trouble play European shows, you bet your sweet white ass I am on YOUTUBE the next day to view the bootleg footage!

(Not that I condone illegally recording a performance, because that would be wrong!!!)
I have no problem with bootleg footage. I did that for many many years. But my stuff was top notch. Why waste your time with stuff that you can barely hear or see clearly. Not even worth it.
Well, better than nothing I suppose.
As you know, a European crowd is MUCH different than a US crowd. Therefore, I love watching bands I love perform in other countries (Even if the footage blows).

Sure, I wouldn't pay to watch crappy footage, but going to YOUTUBE doesn't cost anything, except your time.