Can a woman run the US?

it's amazing to me that americans dont want to help themselves.

and those are the very same ones that come election day have all the time in the world to go and vote ... fuckers
whoever created the stigma that being "liberal" on anything is anti-american or anti-moral should win the Nobel prize forBiggest Joke Ever Pulled on Americans.

other than Bush winning a second election of course.
J. said:
yeah, paying for ol' three-toothed jeb's rifle so he can shoot sand my pals, astronomical gas prices, and medical bills for quadriplegic veterans is totally better than pumping money into education and welfare reform.

let me guess, you dont have a family.

it's amazing to me that americans dont want to help themselves.

how many roadsweepers could you employfor the price of 1 cruise missile?
I just dont feel like paying for everyone elses things. Im talking about the un responsible people that dont want to help themselves, why should I pay for all their kids. ITS NOT THE FUCKING VILLAGES RESPONSIBILITY TO TAKE CARE OF EVERYONE ELSES KIDS.
Reap what you sow. Just because I have decided not to have kids yet until I get my life in order doesnt make it my responsibility to take care of everyone esle who decides to have kids before they can pay their own bills. Accidents happen and thats understandable but get an abortion, yeah Im cool with that too, theres already to many people in the world and this world cant even support the people that live here as is. You people do realize that eventually we WILL RUN OUT OF ROOM and RESOURCES. Theres not an endless supply of everything. I supprot wars because it thins out the worlds populations a little. Even when they are fucked up and could potentially end life. Survivors will emerge and life will go on and we will start over. Man has made itself important , we are no more than animals that think. Thats it. Those that survive , good for them, those that die werent the strongest. Its that simple stop trying to over complicate mans existence. I guess in reality this is pointless because most everoyne here doesnt agree, but the fact that i get told to shut the fuck up when just voicing my opinion is rather rash and close minded. I listen to you guys opinions and accept them but thats my decsion to not agree. I dont tell you guys to shut the fuck up. Its simply an opinion and Im not asking anyone to agree.
I just dont feel like paying for everyone elses things. Im talking about the un responsible people that dont want to help themselves, why should I pay for all their kids. ITS NOT THE FUCKING VILLAGES RESPONSIBILITY TO TAKE CARE OF EVERYONE ELSES KIDS.

Here's a tidbit: You are paying to support those people right now. It's not like Repubs just did away with any and all welfare.

I supprot wars because it thins out the worlds populations a little. Even when they are fucked up and could potentially end life. Survivors will emerge and life will go on and we will start over. Man has made itself important , we are no more than animals that think. Thats it. Those that survive , good for them, those that die werent the strongest.

Yeah, and it's a good thing that murders happen every day, too. Thins out the population. I mean, who really needs a guy to work at gas stations that was probably trying to support his family so you won't have to. And here's to stingrays that poke their barbs into the hearts of men. They are helping thin the population.

Your opinion is fucking stupid and ignorant. Go fight in the wars you support. Fucking pussy.
I just dont feel like paying for everyone elses things. Im talking about the un responsible people that dont want to help themselves, why should I pay for all their kids. ITS NOT THE FUCKING VILLAGES RESPONSIBILITY TO TAKE CARE OF EVERYONE ELSES KIDS.
Reap what you sow. Just because I have decided not to have kids yet until I get my life in order doesnt make it my responsibility to take care of everyone esle who decides to have kids before they can pay their own bills. Accidents happen and thats understandable but get an abortion, yeah Im cool with that too, theres already to many people in the world and this world cant even support the people that live here as is. You people do realize that eventually we WILL RUN OUT OF ROOM and RESOURCES. Theres not an endless supply of everything. I supprot wars because it thins out the worlds populations a little. Even when they are fucked up and could potentially end life. Survivors will emerge and life will go on and we will start over. Man has made itself important , we are no more than animals that think. Thats it. Those that survive , good for them, those that die werent the strongest. Its that simple stop trying to over complicate mans existence. I guess in reality this is pointless because most everoyne here doesnt agree, but the fact that i get told to shut the fuck up when just voicing my opinion is rather rash and close minded. I listen to you guys opinions and accept them but thats my decsion to not agree. I dont tell you guys to shut the fuck up. Its simply an opinion and Im not asking anyone to agree.

so you would rather pay for someone elses war?
Calling someone a fucking pussy on the internet doesnt really accomplish much.
Wars generally have some kind of meaning behind them that someone supports, many of the men and women over there support what they are doing and believe in it. Some dont and that is their business. No one believes in the random drive by murder. Also I never said Repubs dont do this as well but with a woman like Hillary in there it will only become worse in my OPINION! The whole barbs stingray thing is an absolutely ridiculous comment. Steve Irwin died being in nature and doing what he loved and using him in a comment trying to insult me is very juvenile and uncalled for. You are twisting things around to fit your desired interpretation of my words and thats fine with me. You are intitled to that but to call someone a fucking pussy is rather silly. Its amazing how your anger toward my opinion even exists. i didnt ask you to agree. To answer your question Lurch I would rather pay for a war then pay for someone elses lives and kids. None of you live in new mexico do you?? You dont see that fact that groups whites and mexicans live together down here that dont work yet have nicer cars than me and nicer houses than my parents can afford. Because the government pays for everything and they get food stamps and help from the schools. I work for a living and my parents work very hard and I just dont see the whole FAIRNESS to the fact that they get everything for free and yet I have to struggle just to pay for my car insurance. Does that make sense to you guys?? Im not asking for these things either, Im simply asking for people to take responsibility of themselves and not expect everything to be handed to them. I work for mine so why cant they work for theirs?
General Zod said:
I fear she will win the primary, but only because I believe she is unelectable. And since I also believe her nomination is the only thing that could prevent the Democrats from reclaiming the White House in '08, I will be rooting hard against her. That said, I believe this country would be in infinitely better condition had she been running this country for the last five plus years instead of the complete and total fuckwit we have now.

By the way, anyone who believes Hillary is some tree-hgging liberal, should really consider reading a newspaper sometime, rather than gathering all their political knowledge from 12 second soundbites on Fox News.


Agreed completely, if I'm a little less optimistic about the odds of taking back the presidency (even after seeing vulnerable Republicans distance themselves from Dubya), nominating someone without a clear anti-war stance like Hillary would certainly sink them.
I supprot wars because it thins out the worlds populations a little. Even when they are fucked up and could potentially end life. Survivors will emerge and life will go on and we will start over. Man has made itself important , we are no more than animals that think. Thats it. Those that survive , good for them, those that die werent the strongest. Its that simple stop trying to over complicate mans existence.

I don't know about you, but I VALUE my existence. Bombing innocent children (what raghead terrorist camel fuckers do) is not the proper way to cull the herd. Governments need to come up with incentives to have children keep their toothed twats and pubescent penii in their pants.

Oh and fuck face, we are more than animals, for the sole reason that we do THINK!
Can a woman run the US?

Well it seems a monkey can, so I believe woman could also.

US should just bring back B.Clinton, he was the smartest president of US in a long time.
actually ... can William Jefferson Clinton run again? ... the wording is no more than 2 "consecutive" terms ... so ... can he?
I work for a living and my parents work very hard and I just dont see the whole FAIRNESS to the fact that they get everything for free and yet I have to struggle just to pay for my car insurance. Does that make sense to you guys?? Im not asking for these things either, Im simply asking for people to take responsibility of themselves and not expect everything to be handed to them. I work for mine so why cant they work for theirs?

They can't work, because they are lazy fucking negars dude! Republican pussies a hundred and 50 years ago found it a good idea of letting a race of tail danglers that are riddled with dissent, to roam among us. There is no turning back!!! :mad:

I for one would rather pay for their nappy head children and their 72 inch t.v sets, so they can quietly sit at home in their simian shanty towns, than pile up on the streets harassing me for change. Though a good portion of them already do the latter, the absence of welfare would only magnify the problem.
J. said:
it's amazing to me that americans dont want to help themselves.
Worse yet, they buy into this Reaganesque myth that there are tons and tons of welfare mothers, having child after child, draining the system dry. When in fact, it's the corporations cleaning out our coffers.

The US is overflowing with poorly educated people, who were never taught to think critically and now can't see the forest through the trees. They're too blind to recognize that those in power are playing both ends against the middle.
