Can anyone help me come up with a name for a record label?


Apr 8, 2006
Hamburg, Germany
I am starting my own record label in cooperation with a big online alternative clothing retailer. Problem is: I can't come up with a name that is not taken!!! Everything that is good exists already.

The name should be something neutral that doesn't give away a certain style of music since it will not be confined to a certain style of music.

If anyone has a good idea, let me know, please! :headbang:
"Doomed To Fail"

Why build up false hope? :D

Hahaha, we actually had thought of his one before.

Also, I got quite some exposure with the first two records and had an underground club hit in Europe, the US and Russia, so the groundwork has already been done.

I just don't see the point in releasing my stuff through a label that does absolutely nothing than pay for pressing and mastering, send the CDs to distribution and organise interviews. I'd rather not give away 75% of the PPD for that, especially since I finance production, artwork, photography, website and videos myself.

Also I am not going to sign any other bands, which is where the problems usually start ... :lol:
Normally people choose a name that describes their feeling on wanting to start the label or can relate to *shrugs*
two guys i know decided to worked together so they called themselves "Dual records"

another two crazy people i together but in shifts because of their day jobs and seeing that as you'll be talking to one or the other they called them selves "Catatonic Records"