can anyone help me out with setlists from the following shows?

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
im gettin some Nevermore video bootlegs soon, and all i have are the dates and places, can anyone help me out with setlists?

Nevermore 2/5/97 Vasclaar, Holland
Nevermore 4/28/97 Thessalunki, Greece
Nevermore 5/12/01 Ft Lauderdale, FL
Nevermore 4/29/01 Montreal Canada
Nevermore 9/21/01 Springfield VA Jaxx
the last three i nyour list are from 2001 which is the dhiwdw tour
so the lists will be about 9 songs from dhiadw, next in line, 7 tongues, the learning( just kidding! :lol: ), beyond within, and sanctuary song

those are pretty much guarenteed
they then mix in a few of the following:
the death of passion
this sacrement
i am the dog(i think)
silent hedges/double dare

those shows will also 99% start with the beginning of the song Politics of Ecstasy then go into Narcosynthesis and end with The Sound of Silence

thats all the help i can give ya, hope i helped
Hi dead6skin6mask6:

Nevermore 4/28/97 Thessalunki, Greece
1. This Sacrament
2. The Mirror Black
3. The Tiananmen Man
4. What Tomorrow Knows
5. Optimist or Pessimist
6. Next in Line
7. The Sanity Assasin
8. The Politics of Ecstasy
9. Lost

Nevermore 9/21/01 Springfield VA Jaxx
1. Rape Me (Nirvana)/ I Hate you (Poe Piece)
2. Engines of Hate
3. This Sacrament
4. The River Dragon Has Come
5. Narcosynthesis
6. The Heart Collector
7. Beyond Within
8. Inside Four Walls
9.Next in Line
10. Dead Heart in a Dead Word
11. We Desintegrate

I hope it help in something...
Nevermore 4/28/97 Thessalunki, Greece
1. This Sacrament
2. The Mirror Black
3. The Tiananmen Man
4. What Tomorrow Knows
5. Optimist or Pessimist
6. Next in Line
7. The Sanity Assasin
8. The Politics of Ecstasy
9. Lost
that is one fucking crazy setlist!!! i liiiiiiiiiike i liiiiiiiiike you know if they played POE in full? hehehehe