Can anyone reccomend a keyboard for me to get?


May 9, 2002
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Hey people :headbang:

alright, me and my friend are starting a project, and we are going to need keyboards in it.. now, my price range would be about $800-$1000 so i plan on getting something good.. but i really don't know where to begin.. i'm not sure if i want weighted keys, but if your recommendation has them, it's cool... i'm looking for one with many different sounds, mainly strings and orchestra hits :) hah

a lot of you seem to make your own music also, so if you know anything, just let me know

mine is cheap so im not really sure. go to some stores and ask the people that work that section. tell em what you want and see what they say. shop around at a few different stores to see if theres a general concensus about whats good. then try to find it cheaper online somewhere hehe.
thanks a lot guys, i've been told the XP 30 would do me good before.. i'll have to look for one,, see when i walk into music stores and start looking at keyboards nobody helps me because all those prepped up pianist ladies are affraid of metal heads.. i talked to one once and she asked what kind of music i wanted, and i said black metal, she looked really confused... haha oh well

Originally posted by stargazer
We used an XP-30 on our new album for strings mainly.

alright sounds good to me, i think i've seen one laying around here in town...

we expect it to be a mix of skyfire/bal-sagoth with a touch of Opeth maybe :D.... except we dont really have a studio,, but i doubt anybody who reads this really cares :D
