can I run an idea past you?


Tyrant in Distress
I was thinking of a kind of affiliate program for Librarius Metallicus. Basically, it would let people create their own CD review site, using the existing database available on Librarius. The catch would be that if they want to review an album that isn't listed, they'd need to add it themselves. So, they'd be able to write reviews and have their own site, and we'd get extra content by way of them adding new bands and albums that they want to review. You'd have control over the design of your review site, but you'd only be able to review things in the database (to motivate you to add new stuff when you need to). You'd also be able to get the lineup, track listing, and album cover from the database, so basically you'd just have to enter your review into a web form. And I would provide hosting for the review site for free. Do you think that's a cool idea? Would anyone be interested in such a thing?

The idea occurred to me when I was talking to a dude who hand-codes the HTML for all the reviews on his site, and I thought what a horrendous waste of time that is. Plus I'm having a hell of a time recruiting people to work on Librarius, so I think it's a win-win type of deal.

But both are useful.

I'd be willing to write a blurb now and then, why not?
spaffe said:
To be perfectly honest I don't think there's any place for Librarius Metallicus with Metal Archives already online and running.

That's just silly. There's no need for Metal Archives, then, because Wikipedia is online. And on and on. Variety keeps things interesting.

It saddens me the most because you actually did a really good job on Librarius before you disappeared. I guess I now know why you left.
NADatar said:

But both are useful.

I'd be willing to write a blurb now and then, why not?

Well... just to write a blurb now and then wouldn't be the idea. It would take some amount of work to program the thing, and it could never be totally automated (I'd have to set up the domain name on the server, for example), so I'd probably limit it to people who really wanted to make a go of it.
i use em all: LM, MA, and BNR for my metal-info needs. wikipedia annoys me.

MA annoys me because im tired of black color schemes for metal websites.
@Erik: I agree with most of your comments (which is rare, 'cause for some reason you hate me). There is one solution. Apply to Librarius and help make it just as complete as MA. I've been trying to recruit people, but most share your view that MA, despite it being horribly ugly, frequently down, unbearably slow, and terribly inconsistent, is somehow good enough.

@J: I'm glad you appreciate the non-black scheme. Some folks back in the day complained about it being white; glad to know I'm not the only one who agrees that black not well-suited as a background color on the web. Btw, if you ever want to come back to LM, you're totally welcome to do so. Not sure why you quit to begin with.
jimbobhickville said:
@J: I'm glad you appreciate the non-black scheme. Some folks back in the day complained about it being white; glad to know I'm not the only one who agrees that black not well-suited as a background color on the web. Btw, if you ever want to come back to LM, you're totally welcome to do so. Not sure why you quit to begin with.

loved doing it, but it was at a bad time...preparing for wedding, new house, etc...

it was nothing against you or LM
I like the general idea, and the scheme would allow you to add detailed reviews without tainting the site with fanboy ravings and senseless bashing like on is difficult to compete that site because of its volume, but there should be alternatives, especially considering how shitty its server is.