Can It Really Be True?

nice, im glad its not going to be prog death, ifi wanted that id listen to opeth :D

i like their taste in experimental music haha, so im hoping this will be excellent too
On what fucking planet do you live?


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sounds like a big snore-fest to me.


It will be anything BUT that, I'm sure.

I do see Stefan86's point in that if it's going to be experimental, it is very likely to be pretentious. However, Opeth and PTs music is already pretentious to an extent. Funny thing is, they're pretentious because they take music extremely seriously, and write serious songs about serious stuff mostly. Is that pretentious?

Maybe we should all just listen to The White Stripes for REAL music:headbang:

Edit: Glad to hear Mike Portnoy isn't going to be a part of it. He'd ruin it imo.

Edit again: never mind, apparently he is, according to the article
Really wish they'd go with Gavin Harrison instead of Portnoy...not really interested to hear any of his vocals or mechanical drumming on the album.
Really wish they'd go with Gavin Harrison instead of Portnoy...not really interested to hear any of his vocals or mechanical drumming on the album.

Yeah, I doubt he'll try the whole vocal thing for this or at least I really hope he doesn't.
awww man dreamtheatre suck (not live though)

even though i dont really like DT, mike portnoy is easily the greatest drummer of all time, just watch him, the only person who can challange his skill is himself
even though i dont really like DT, mike portnoy is easily the greatest drummer of all time, just watch him, the only person who can challange his skill is himself

all of DT members are skilled, no doubt. But it's the most boring band i ever heard. I'd choose Gavin in a blink of an eye. As far the project goes, must agree that will be something pretentious, i'm not having high hopes about it.
even though i dont really like DT, mike portnoy is easily the greatest drummer of all time, just watch him, the only person who can challange his skill is himself

:lol: There are plenty of rock drummers that can play just as good as Mike if not better (a bunch you, and I have never even heard of). Besides there are drummers who are better at different styles like Jazz or whatever. Don't get me wrong he's a talent guy, but just not the bestest evarr.