Canes show 3/15- Unbelievable!


Metal Massacre
Mar 3, 2003
What a great show, you girls are unbelievable! You got a new tru fan here. Im very tough on cover bands. But you were true to the material, solos and all, and the energy was awesome='.'=

Im too wiped-out right now to post anything really more than that...
but thanks for a great show, youre the best ='.'=

*buzzed Tiger flops over and starts snoring loudly*
This gig was quite fun to work, but to whoever stole Chickinson's cheat sheet about what she needs to announce to the crowd...

Well, I hope you enjoy bamboo shoots being placed under your fingernails. :saint:

Kudos to the staff at Canes for all the help with the security and keeping things running smooth. Thanks again! :)
It was an honor to meet the lovely and gracious Jen ='.'=

You girls sure blew away the opening acts! Talk about no competition, geez. The first band, "Malady" wasnt that bad at all I guess, I enjoyed them for the most part. But that second band, Raw Kandy... *rolls Tiger eyes* I couldnt wait for them to get the heck off the stage.
Playing Poison and Feelgood-era Crue songs to an Iron Maiden crowd? Blech! I dont mind early Crue like Shout at the Devil or Knock 'em Dead Kid, but that hacked up Looks that Kill chorus being thrown around was sad!

Thanks alot for supporting the troops and the USA, it means alot !!!! You girls are a class act!

I would like to extend my gratitude to the SAN DIEGO CHP who rescued me from I5 on my way home. I couldn't find a damn gas station that sold deisel and ended up dry on the side of the freeway ready to check the NEXT exit. They gave me a ride to the gas station, then back to my truck, then helped me fuel up after a little vw almost took me out. They were so COOL, one officer stood there like a bad ass while the other risked his life with his back to the freeway. MY HEROES!
Sorry to hear about the gas-thang, Surrah, but at least it wasn't raining cats and doggie-dogs like it was earlier. The silver lining to every cloud?

Anyway, great show, all. Good to hear "Wasted Years" back in the mix. :) Now I'm just waiting for the triumphant return of "Murders in the Rue Morgue".
I await the return of Murders in the Rue Morgue too!!!! :D
SARA! I am sooooooooo glad to hear you were saved! :p Thanks SDCHP!!!
It's a truley rare moment to have Minimurray as a DAMNZEL in distress! hehehehe! Fun fun fun show! Thanks to everyone who braved the rain and came out to play!!!!!
xSamhainx said:
The first band, "Malady" wasnt that bad at all I guess, I enjoyed them for the most part. But that second band, Raw Kandy... *rolls Tiger eyes* I couldnt wait for them to get the heck off the stage.
Playing Poison and Feelgood-era Crue songs to an Iron Maiden crowd? Blech! I dont mind early Crue like Shout at the Devil or Knock 'em Dead Kid, but that hacked up Looks that Kill chorus being thrown around was sad!

My friend had told me about RawKandy but couldn't remember the name of the band. She freaked out when I sent her the website link and then realized that I had to put up with their schtick. She thought they were awful and also didn't like their comments about modern music sucking and 80's Glam being the only good music out there. She also felt the drummer's boobs were way too big. :D I think it would have been worth it if I did steal the Line6 Flextone amp that their guitar player left at the club, but there wasn't enough room in the car after the gig. :saint:

Malady was alright, though it would be nice to hear their singer when her voice is completely recovered from the flu that she has. Trust me, I know how my voice sounds when I'm sick and I'm not even trying to sing!