Can someone deconvolve some sine sweeps for me?


Mar 24, 2007
Fife, Scotland
Been recording with my cab today and I feel I've got a pretty decent mic placement down. Quite fancy making an impulse of it tomorrow night as I've left it set up, but I don't have any software to do so!

If I run the sweeps through the cab would someone be willing to deconvolve them for me and make them into an impulse?
Only going to do a 6l6 version and a EL34 version so should be quick enough. And hey you might even get a usable impulse out of it!
Bump. About to head to the studio now so I'll be posting the files in a couple of hours. Realised I've also got a EL84 poweramp that I can use so it'll be 3 files altogether.
Can someone deconvolve these for me?
Oh didn't know you're on Mac.

I do it for you then. :)
But please include the original sweep and remember the sweep you have run through the cab must be a bit longer than the original sweep! Even if the cab doesn't reproduce until 20 kHz, you can't cut it off earlier.
Just for future information, OSX has program called FuzzMeasure which can export impulses and it seems fairly foolproof.
However I haven't tried creating impulses with it so who knows how well suited it really is for given job.
Oh, isn't it? :-S sorry dude..

Maybe if you have Logic it comes with it - but I figured it was an Apple standard!
Cheers for the comparison dude. Think mine is a bit bright/fizzy compared to lolzgregs, was speaking to unicorn about it and think I've put the presence a bit too high on my amps. Might pop back in the studio this week and give it another go with a lower presence setting.
Bumping this up as I've been trying to make more impulses today but Fuzzmeasure has made them all sound very reverby???

So again I'm asking for a wee favour in that if someone's got some free time today could you deconvolve these for me?

El34, 6L6 and EL84 versions with a SM57 and an I5. So half a dozen in all.