Can someone give me a quick explanation of impulses?


Apr 7, 2006
Been reading a lot about impulses on here. I have a PODXT, and don't really know what impulses do/if I could use them and ect.

What do they do? Advantages? How do I use them? Sorry for the n00b questions, just trying to get my bearings.

Thanks fellas.
Haha, thanks. I did a quick search before I made this but couldn't really find a lot of concrete explanations of how to use impulses and things like that. I guess I'll try again.
So is it even possible to use impulses with a podxt? It seems like you substitute the cab for an impulse, but that guide didn't really talk about doing it with a podxt.
Get a prog to load impulses.
Record whatever with out cab emulation on.
Load your choice of impulse prog.
Choose whatever impulse you want to use.

Have fun.
So is it even possible to use impulses with a podxt? It seems like you substitute the cab for an impulse, but that guide didn't really talk about doing it with a podxt.

yes it is, but i´ve found in my experience that the pod´s amps don´t go to well with other impulses other than the pod´s.

I basically just use it as a DI taking the signal for ex to the wagner plug and so on, and use some of the stomp boxes on the pod...

I suggest u try it,maybe u´ll get different results:loco:
KeFir or Voxengo Boogex are good programs you can load the impulses to.

Is it possible to use impulses without using it as a insert on a audio track? Like is there a program that can handle them in realtime, like gearbox?
There is some light host for VST like AudioTeknika Console. You can load boogex or any convolution plugin and play in realtime...
Or you can insert plug onto input channel strip or setup monitoring and play in realtime through your sequencer...