Can someone help me with cubase?


Apr 17, 2009
What do these bars underneath my automation line do? im not talking about the obvious ramps etc its the one under my drums track that follows my drum midi in the rectangle....i'm having a really annoying issue concerning volume on my wont seem to go higher than 87 for the volume of the midi track..when i know i can reach 127

Pretty sure it's because you're automating the MIDI velocities dude, not the volume of the drums (since you're on a MIDI track and all :loco: ) I don't remember how Cubase routes this stuff, but why not try automating that "Drumz" group track?
That makes sense! how can i automate that midi velocity? because i've tried clearing automation before for the whole project and im pretty sure it ended up doing the same thing. I tried automating that group track but for some reason everytime i hit read and find the volume doesnt appear on my in i cant edit it.....i think someone has midi hax0red me.
You do have it at 127. The value on the track itself tells you where it's at as far as where the play head is.

You have one of the automation points highlighted. I can tell it's set at 127 because the "value" is showing 127 at the top of the screen.

Set the play head at 5:00 and that number will jump to 127.
move the play head to 5 minutes, then turn of reading of automation for that MIDI track. it'll stay at 127 (which it should be at). if you do it the other way around it'll stay at 87, until you manually adjust the fader.. heh.

if you want to use different velocity hits, then edit the midi event, and use the draw tool to edit the note velocity (it's at the bottom of the MIDI editor). if you have 2 hits occurring at the same time, selecting on of them in the note editor will make only 1 velocity get changed.

if you want to automate drum volume, then add your automation on the return track from the VST instrument. you'll probably want to enable all the return tracks (as it defaults to just one), and then send each drum to it's own return track. then you can automate just the snare volume, for instance..

and oh my science, cubase 5 is ugly!