can someone please explain Suicide Girls to me?

minxnim said:
i mean, it's exactly the same as playboy as far as i am concerned, just cornering another market. plus, those girls are just as airbrushed and faked as playboy girls. but live, seriously, YUCKOLA.
that makes sense. i just was wondering if the idea behind it was that since these were not plastic surgically "enhanced" (for lack of a better word) nude models that there was some sort of legitimacy attributed to it based on the type of crowd it is marketed towards.

but that also makes it like playboy i suppose and reinforces your point, especially if they are just as airbrushed and stuff.
yea i mean, i know two girls with fake boobs on there too! it's not a big deal. they pay too little tho in my opinion. for what they get.
yeah, i don't think the "playboy demeans women, not individual women, but women as a whole" argument flies at all, and i REALLY don't think "playboy demeans women as a whole, but suicide girls doesn't" flies at all.
but honestly i am really really worried about alex's opinion on porn and feminism and i bet the rest of the female population is dying to know.
The airbrushing really irritates me. It makes the majority of the male population raise their standards to artifically created heights which in no way relate to actuallity and it makes the vast population of women feel inadequate because they have hairs on their arms. Whether the models have tattoos or not doesn't make them any more real. Or the whole concept any less silly.
i have several friends that are models in that or were ex-models. i think they look way better than the plastic-y women in penthouse or whatever. i agree with minxnim though - they really don't get paid much at all. :-/
"makes women feel inadequate" is bunk, though. the problem is the social creation of people who would be plunged into an orgy of self-hatred because they have little boobs, and that's what should be addressed.

it's exactly akin to people wanting to ban violent films or music on the grounds that they cause kids to become vampire murderers or school shooters--sure, maybe Timmy got the idea of the shotgun-and-trenchcoat classroom slaying from The Basketball Diaries, but the problem isn't The Basketball Diairies. it's the circumstances--school, upbringing, whatever--that created a fucked-up individual like Timmy who would see that scene and decide that it's a good idea to actually carry it out.
ugh alex is totally up on the sociological soap box.
but anyway, they never pay porn girls well. because they're not considered "REAL" models or "REAL" actresses. they just treat them like crap. i still would rather honestly look at a penthouse magazine b/c at least i know it's totally faked out.
You don't put out, you don't get paid. Simple as that. Porn actresses with contracts make a LOT of money. Otherwise they would still be stripping at 250$ a night in tips on slow nights.

I was kidding with the first comment BTW
in 2002:
my friend posed for penthouse, 7 pictures: $2,000 (with an agent, and a contract)
i did a gucci sunglasses ad, 1 picture: $10,000 (no agent no contract)

i kept my clothes on too.