Can someone please help explain to me the SSL sound.....

~BURNY~ said:
You're the man! Thanks:kickass:

Well, it was me that brought the Andy Wallace thing up. So that makes me "the man". :goggly:

Anyway, I didn't have to read the Mix article because Mr. Wallace used to frequent the studio in L.A. where I was a 2nd. He mixed Everclear there (among other records) and we all studied his techniques, even after he was gone. The magic of recall notes....

I've never used the SSL master comp plugin, but I'm sure that it's the same as with the real comp - at least in functionality. Using and hearing compression is the difference between pros and amateurs (I didn't make that statement up). The SSL compressor is fucking huge and slamming if you know how to work it. Most cats usually mix with it on the whole time, and occasionally pop it out just to see how much you're relying on it.
Matt Smith said:
I agree 100%. Even when mixing through it (as opposed to slapping it on at the end of a mix), it always sounds better/more open to me without it. I definitely don't hear that "glue" everyone talks about with the hardware. A buddy of mine just got a hardware 384, so I can't wait to hear the real deal. He said the plugin sounds nothing like it (as expected).

I love the channel strip though. I use it like crazy.

yeah the plugin doesnt even come close. but its a decent comp plugin

that being said, if you havent, you guys should experiment more with the attack and release controls, those are the most important element in dialing in that compressor. i love the g comp and the alan smart c2 we have here at the studio. they are most certainly essentials in our mix.
metalkingdom said:
Well, it was me that brought the Andy Wallace thing up. So that makes me "the man". :goggly:

Anyway, I didn't have to read the Mix article because Mr. Wallace used to frequent the studio in L.A. where I was a 2nd. He mixed Everclear there (among other records) and we all studied his techniques, even after he was gone. The magic of recall notes....

I've never used the SSL master comp plugin, but I'm sure that it's the same as with the real comp - at least in functionality. Using and hearing compression is the difference between pros and amateurs (I didn't make that statement up). The SSL compressor is fucking huge and slamming if you know how to work it. Most cats usually mix with it on the whole time, and occasionally pop it out just to see how much you're relying on it.


I was attempting to steal your thunder mate.

Did you manage to see what his symphonic chorus effect was - a Tutor at my college did mixed ratm for dvd and used some of andy's notes, and so will get round to showing me but it is damn hard to picture what he means as mr wallace is always very brief in his language.

And yeas bashing the SSL quad bus and using it as your avatar matt is fucking funny.:rock:
moose209 said:
Did you manage to see what his symphonic chorus effect was - a Tutor at my college did mixed ratm for dvd and used some of andy's notes, and so will get round to showing me but it is damn hard to picture what he means as mr wallace is always very brief in his language.

Man, that was so long ago.... I wanna say that he uses the "Micropitchshift" preset on the H3K, but then again that's what everybody uses. I learned something from every producer/engineer that I worked with, but retained and incorporated into my style only the things that really stuck out. For Wallace, it was his drum 'verb. The ''Tiled Room'' preset on the PCM-70 is still the ultimate reverb for drums. His style of using mostly the board for dynamics just doesn't work for me.
Goddamn Guitar said:
So how many of you actually BOUGHT the Waves SSL bundle?:heh:

Actually I just bought it last night. The first thing I have found I really love the strip on is the OH's. Still have a lot more testing to do.
I'll have to look at that patch next time I'm in front of a 70. I know people that got completely the wrong end of the stick with the chorus on bass thickener - i just couldnt believe it when they said that this is what andy wallace does sounding like fucking dream theater chorus - OTT. Cheers for the insight MK.
LSD-Studio said:
not yet, but after having it checked out at a pal's studio i think it's gonna be my next investment, it's just so ridiculously expensive!!

actually its pretty cheap considering that an xlogic rackmount channel is over 3 grand. and a used g console is 65k minimum for maybe 50 channels in horrible shape.
axeman720 said:
actually its pretty cheap considering that an xlogic rackmount channel is over 3 grand. and a used g console is 65k minimum for maybe 50 channels in horrible shape.

but then you've got the real sound and the pre!!

i consider 800€ for a pod too axpensive as well, of course a real recto cost 4times as much....but.......

k, a rubbergirl is cheap and probably fun, but still made of rubber
smy1 said:
I really don't get the hype about the SSL bus compressor. To me it makes everything sound smaller and out of context. Even at very modest settings.

Not my favorite plugin at all.

If you just engage it after decisions have been made, of course things will sound out of context. You'll have to reset all your levels and individual compressors and even reverb returns
Mikey Bolton said:
Yep...hard earnt cash:kickass:

cool man, I just thought like when the cracked version showed up on torrentsites, everybody started talking about the bundle, so I just did my share of math and and that's it!

And no I haven't tried it but I'm really interested in getting the duende, looks sweet..
Phase said:
If you just engage it after decisions have been made, of course things will sound out of context. You'll have to reset all your levels and individual compressors and even reverb returns

Mixing into it is the way right? thats what everybody at gearslutz seems too anyway.
metalkingdom said:
Well, it was me that brought the Andy Wallace thing up. So that makes me "the man". :goggly:

Anyway, I didn't have to read the Mix article because Mr. Wallace used to frequent the studio in L.A. where I was a 2nd. He mixed Everclear there (among other records) and we all studied his techniques, even after he was gone. The magic of recall notes....

more info needed here!! What did you learn from him? :cool: