Can someone who speaks German help me on something?

cant help you with the site but i need to get my guitar tuner back from you because i gave lee back his amp and i need something to tune my acoustics. ima call you tomorrow or stop by or somethin. besides, you dont play your guitar anyway =]
DemonsAndLies666 said:
cant help you with the site but i need to get my guitar tuner back from you because i gave lee back his amp and i need something to tune my acoustics. ima call you tomorrow or stop by or somethin. besides, you dont play your guitar anyway =]

you guys know eachother personally? are you like... going out? ;)

anyway i cant help Feraliminal, but there are many people here who could, they just gotta moove their ass in here.
the first one to help out gets a cookie.
Celtik Militia said:
you guys know eachother personally? are you like... going out? ;)

anyway i cant help Feraliminal, but there are many people here who could, they just gotta moove their ass in here.
the first one to help out gets a cookie.

he lives about .8 miles away from me. too bad the site isnt in fronsch. foiled!
Well I guess you noticed that you have to click andere when asked what kind of payment method, it's under Vorkasse, so you must pay ahead. That means 17 euros for shipping, but somehow I think you will get a mail or so saying it costs more once they see it's to the USA(at least thats what they do to me when I order from the USA :/) IF you have any more specific questions, just copy/paste here what you don't understand and I or someone else will for sure translate :)
Arch said:

initially, but the words are a bit awkward. also this is a really sketchy ordering system so i also need to know how i would go about ordering from the US.

vikingr said:
Well I guess you noticed that you have to click andere when asked what kind of payment method, it's under Vorkasse, so you must pay ahead. That means 17 euros for shipping, but somehow I think you will get a mail or so saying it costs more once they see it's to the USA(at least thats what they do to me when I order from the USA :/) IF you have any more specific questions, just copy/paste here what you don't understand and I or someone else will for sure translate :)

:ill: so your'e saying its 17 euros or more for shipping? thats figures into like $50 with combined cost of the item. hmm what does it say here with the smaller euro numbers? oh and thanks a bunch.

"Per Nachnahme:
- Bequem beim Postboten / bei der Postfiliale bezahlen. Wir berechnen hierfür immer 11,-€ (Die Post kassiert dann nochmals 2,-€ Zahlkartengebühr).
Beispiel: Du bestellst für 100,-€ per Nachnahme ohne Porto, dann musst du dem Briefträger 113,-€ in die Hand drücken. Ab 150,-€ Lieferwert übernehmen wir die Nachnahmekosten."
Per Nachnahme means, that you pay the ordered item when it is delivered to you, so you pay the postman. But as far as I can see on the website that system is only allowed in Germany. So you have to order by Vorkasse, which means you pay ahead. Usually that works by paying it in onto their Bankaccount, which will probably cost you some money again. I remember, that when I ordered from Germany I usually had to pay about 5-10 Euros for each transaction I did onto an account in Germany. Maybe it is possible though to do it by Credit Card or PayPal, I didnt check the site overly well.
But I think you have to at least have to calculate 17 Euros for the shipping. But as I said it even is possible that they will change that to more if you are ordering something really heavy. Like when I ordered a 20 liter Barrel of Mead from Germany, it was so cheap, and the shipping was only 13 Euros. Suddenly I got a mail from them though, that the shipping is 39 Euros, because Switzerland isn't in the European Union and so it costs more. :/ Well I ended up cancelling the order.
eh, sounds like rough business. the item is only 13 euro but i think below that 17 euro price it said shipping to the US is 25 euro. that really blows because this is the only site that sells it, but i dont think I dont need it that bad. thanks again <3 <3