Nevermind, jag skriver bara random sentences av som jag har studera so far.
Oh dear, this must hurt you swedish readers and I already apologize in advance
Oh dear, this must hurt you swedish readers and I already apologize in advance

Nevermind, jag skriver bara random sentences av som jag har studera so far.
Oh dear, this must hurt you swedish readers and I already apologize in advance![]()
Infinitiv är bara grundformen, som "att springa" (laufen), "att gå" (gehen), men sedan måste du böja verbet, så att det får ett tempus: Jag studerar, jag studerade, jag har studerat, jag hade studerat eller jag kommer att studera (presens, imperfekt, perfekt plusskvamperfekt, futurum).
För att veta det rätta svaret, måste du redan ha studerat meningen. (Um die Antwort zu wissen, musstest du erst mal den Satz studieren haben.)
Studerar= presens av att studera. Jag studerar nu = Irgendwas, was du gerade tust, z.b. "Ich laufe" oder "Ich gehe".
Studera= infinitiv, att studera = studieren. Du kan inte säga "I only write random sentences that I have to study so far". Infinitiv är bara grundformen, som "att springa" (laufen), "att gå" (gehen), men sedan måste du böja verbet, så att det får ett tempus: Jag studerar, jag studerade, jag har studerat, jag hade studerat eller jag kommer att studera (presens, imperfekt, perfekt plusskvamperfekt, futurum).
Jag har studerat = perfekt av infinitivet att studera. Du has jag schon den Satz gelest, nicht wahr? Sonst hattest du nicht "har" schreiben mussen.
So there now we're even - I had to read your messed up Swedish, and you had to read my messed up German.
What I wanted to know:
Vill du försöka?
Försök träffa tavlan.
Why is it once with and once without a? I believe both is presence... Is it the "vill" that goes into the whatever-it-is-called form? So "försök" is being left in the basic thing?
Duh, sometimes I wish I would have payed more attention in school...
Well, tell Beave from me that dingsbums is basically equivalent of a thingymagizmo.
Basically, mal is a word used to amplify the meaning of the word associated with it, such as Hört mal, or Guck mal, which is more than listen! and look!, it's more like Listen up, damn it and Yo, look at!
Kapierst du?
Ja, ich fühle mich es jetzt verstehen. (i'd be surprised if i said that right)
And yet, you didn't do it right (after all a bit harder than you thought, eh?)*So far, the most difficult thing for me with German is getting used to the verb placement - especially after using words like "weil" or "dass", etc.
For instance:
Er kann mit uns nicht gehen, weil er sehr beschäftigt heute Abend sein wird.
This of course would literally translate into English as "He can with us not go, because he very busy tonight be will."
The first part of the sentence isn't too hard for me to compute, but the last part really hurts my head. I guess it just takes some getting used to.
As they say in German, "muchas gracias!"
Of course, you didn't. That sounds like "Yes, I feel me how me does now understanding it" Correct would be: "Ja, ich verstehe es jetzt."
And yet, you didn't do it right (after all a bit harder than you thought, eh?)*
It would have to be: "Er kann nicht mit uns kommen (fits better than gehen), weil er heute Abend sehr beschäftigt sein wird (which sounds a bit like two arrogant businessmen talking)"
I don't want to destroy your dreams and wishes, but as I already told you: Translating literally won't bring you any far. you have to THINK GERMAN.
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