To our swedish readers - please help.

Nevermind, jag skriver bara random sentences av som jag har studera so far.

Oh dear, this must hurt you swedish readers and I already apologize in advance :lol:


Nevermind, jag skriver bara random sentences av som jag har studera so far.


Det spelar ingen roll, jag skriver bara slumpmässiga meningar som jag har studerat hittills.
För att veta det rätta svaret, måste du redan ha studerat meningen. (Um die Antwort zu wissen, musstest du erst mal den Satz studieren haben.)

Studerar= presens av att studera. Jag studerar nu = Irgendwas, was du gerade tust, z.b. "Ich laufe" oder "Ich gehe".

Studera= infinitiv, att studera = studieren. Du kan inte säga "I only write random sentences that I have to study so far". Infinitiv är bara grundformen, som "att springa" (laufen), "att gå" (gehen), men sedan måste du böja verbet, så att det får ett tempus: Jag studerar, jag studerade, jag har studerat, jag hade studerat eller jag kommer att studera (presens, imperfekt, perfekt plusskvamperfekt, futurum).

Jag har studerat = perfekt av infinitivet att studera. Du has jag schon den Satz gelest, nicht wahr? Sonst hattest du nicht "har" schreiben mussen.

So there now we're even - I had to read your messed up Swedish, and you had to read my messed up German.
Infinitiv är bara grundformen, som "att springa" (laufen), "att gå" (gehen), men sedan måste du böja verbet, så att det får ett tempus: Jag studerar, jag studerade, jag har studerat, jag hade studerat eller jag kommer att studera (presens, imperfekt, perfekt plusskvamperfekt, futurum).

I am sad. I am really sad :o because I think grammar is cool.

Actually if that is the verb paradigm in Swedish it makes sense- I could get the grasp of it with my German... which I am now really wanting to get back into. It was a very zen language. :loco: like Sudoku of the right brain.
För att veta det rätta svaret, måste du redan ha studerat meningen. (Um die Antwort zu wissen, musstest du erst mal den Satz studieren haben.)

Studerar= presens av att studera. Jag studerar nu = Irgendwas, was du gerade tust, z.b. "Ich laufe" oder "Ich gehe".

Studera= infinitiv, att studera = studieren. Du kan inte säga "I only write random sentences that I have to study so far". Infinitiv är bara grundformen, som "att springa" (laufen), "att gå" (gehen), men sedan måste du böja verbet, så att det får ett tempus: Jag studerar, jag studerade, jag har studerat, jag hade studerat eller jag kommer att studera (presens, imperfekt, perfekt plusskvamperfekt, futurum).

Jag har studerat = perfekt av infinitivet att studera. Du has jag schon den Satz gelest, nicht wahr? Sonst hattest du nicht "har" schreiben mussen.

So there now we're even - I had to read your messed up Swedish, and you had to read my messed up German.

Honey, you just made my day - because I understand most of that you have written!! And of this, I am proud! My book said, the verbs have the same form for every person and don't have do be inflected (as in german). Because I heard the word "studera" somewhere, I used it in Präsenz (?), but didn't think about ithat it has to be past here.
I hate grammar tho, in all languages I have ever learned because it is so theoretical... But it seems There is no way learning without it :(

Anyway... tack så mycket, Tyra! Jag måste verkligen förbättra min glosinlärning (I must admit I have looked parts of this sentence up :D)

Oh and btw: Din tyska är mycket bra!
Danke sehr. It's a bit rusty, but some things you never forget, like the prepositions that make all German words into ackusative objects and the only three main rivers to have der in front of them (my teacher told me I had to be able to recite them with my eyes closed and by heart even if she called me a 2:30 in the morning), but more importantly, such things as "dingsbums" (very good word to know in case you don't know the real word for something), "hau ab" (good when you're 17 and teenage boys are around), not to mention "Doof ist klasse". Applies at all times to everyone, especially me, whereas Opel Popel and Eingebildetes Vorfahrt only apply to Opel and Mercedez drivers respectively. Still good things to know, since you can't flip people off in Germany (which is not to say that I didn't anyhow, since there are waaaaay more bad drivers than Opel and Mercedez drivers alone, and they must be informed that they are ALL idiots). Anyhow...
Opel haben keine serienmässige Vorfahrt, nur Mercedes ;) And yes, Opel-drivers ARE the worst. Not only with driving. I once saw a documentation in something called Opel-Club. These guys treat their cars even more insane than I treat my pets. They are like children for them. And yea, I tried to explain to Beave the "Dingsbums-Phänomen", it was quite hard. Yesterday, he asked me about the word "mal" and I got so totally lost... There is absolutely no way to explain that to a non-german.

What I wanted to know:
Vill du försöka?
Försök träffa tavlan.
Why is it once with and once without a? I believe both is presence... Is it the "vill" that goes into the whatever-it-is-called form? So "försök" is being left in the basic thing?
Duh, sometimes I wish I would have payed more attention in school...
What I wanted to know:
Vill du försöka?
Försök träffa tavlan.
Why is it once with and once without a? I believe both is presence... Is it the "vill" that goes into the whatever-it-is-called form? So "försök" is being left in the basic thing?
Duh, sometimes I wish I would have payed more attention in school...

I suck at grammar, always have, but

Vill du försöka?
Do you want to try?
Is a question.

Försök träffa tavlan!
Try to hit the board!
Is more of a request.

Example from an online dictionary
( )

Swedish entry word
försöker [för_s'ö:ker] försökte försökt försök! försöka verb
anstränga sig att åstadkomma något

English translation
try, attempt

  • han försöker visa vad han kan---he tries to show what he can do
Well, tell Beave from me that dingsbums is basically equivalent of a thingymagizmo. Basically, mal is a word used to amplify the meaning of the word associated with it, such as Hört mal, or Guck mal, which is more than listen! and look!, it's more like Listen up, damn it and Yo, look at!

As for the sentences above, one is an imperative, the other an outright question. An imperative is exactly like Guck mal or Hört mal, or Kommt mal -something you are telling someone to do, like a command or an order. You are not requesting that someone does something, you are telling someone to do something, so therefore there is no ? at the end of the sentence.

Kapierst du?
Well, tell Beave from me that dingsbums is basically equivalent of a thingymagizmo.

Ah-ha.. now i gotit!

That word baffled me for some time. I never heard of it until i saw Phelice use it, and initially i assumed it was some sort of German equivalent for "dingleberries." I thought to myself, "My, what a little potty mouth." :lol:

Basically, mal is a word used to amplify the meaning of the word associated with it, such as Hört mal, or Guck mal, which is more than listen! and look!, it's more like Listen up, damn it and Yo, look at!

Kapierst du?

Ja, ich fühle mich es jetzt verstehen. (i'd be surprised if i said that right)

So far, the most difficult thing for me with German is getting used to the verb placement - especially after using words like "weil" or "dass", etc.

For instance:

Er kann mit uns nicht gehen, weil er sehr beschäftigt heute Abend sein wird.

This of course would literally translate into English as "He can with us not go, because he very busy tonight be will."

The first part of the sentence isn't too hard for me to compute, but the last part really hurts my head. I guess it just takes some getting used to.

Anyway, i appreciate the advice, Tyra. As they say in German, "muchas gracias!"

Holy crap, BEAVE!

I admit I had to leo that word, and it didn't make me more clever when it said
"dingleberry [sl.] die Klabusterbeere [ugs.]"
I didn't know that word, and then I found this:
"Die Klabusterbeere lebt in enger Symbiose mit sehr behaarten Hinterteilen, denn sie entsteht wenn sich nach dem Stuhlen Kot und Toilettenpapierreste in den Haaren in der Rektalgegend verfangen und durch das "Reiben" ein Kügelchen bilden. Im Neusprech wird sie auch als "Arschperle" bezeichnet.
Auch Hämorrhoiden kann man als Klabusterbeeren bezeichnen."

I do not want to translate this!!!

So now @Tyra: Jawohl. ich kapiere, danke :)
So Hundekommandos would also be like that:
Sätta! Gå! Kom! Without -er?
Oh, and for bing a smart ass:
Ja, ich fühle mich es jetzt verstehen. (i'd be surprised if i said that right)

Of course, you didn't. That sounds like "Yes, I feel me how me does now understanding it" Correct would be: "Ja, ich verstehe es jetzt."

So far, the most difficult thing for me with German is getting used to the verb placement - especially after using words like "weil" or "dass", etc.

For instance:

Er kann mit uns nicht gehen, weil er sehr beschäftigt heute Abend sein wird.

This of course would literally translate into English as "He can with us not go, because he very busy tonight be will."

The first part of the sentence isn't too hard for me to compute, but the last part really hurts my head. I guess it just takes some getting used to.
And yet, you didn't do it right (after all a bit harder than you thought, eh?)*
It would have to be: "Er kann nicht mit uns kommen (fits better than gehen), weil er heute Abend sehr beschäftigt sein wird (which sounds a bit like two arrogant businessmen talking)" Literally translated: He can not with us come, because he tonight very busy be will.
In coll. german, we would say it like: "Er kann nicht mit, weil er zu tun hat".

I don't want to destroy your dreams and wishes, but as I already told you: Translating literally won't bring you any far. you have to THINK GERMAN.


*Yes, I am a grim teacher.
Of course, you didn't. That sounds like "Yes, I feel me how me does now understanding it" Correct would be: "Ja, ich verstehe es jetzt."

Yeah, i was just shootin' from the hip on that. I know you're gonna think "yeah right", but i swear to god, my first instinct was to say "ich verstehe es jetzt." Then i decided i'd try to get a little fancy, which obviously backfired.

Oh well! Live and learn, right?

And yet, you didn't do it right (after all a bit harder than you thought, eh?)*
It would have to be: "Er kann nicht mit uns kommen (fits better than gehen), weil er heute Abend sehr beschäftigt sein wird (which sounds a bit like two arrogant businessmen talking)"

Cool! I want to sound like an arrogant German businessman! :p

I don't want to destroy your dreams and wishes, but as I already told you: Translating literally won't bring you any far. you have to THINK GERMAN.


So that's the secret? That's all there is to it? I don't have to learn how to think in German? I just have to magically somehow think in German (or Chinese, Navajo, Estonian, etc.) and learning the language will be a breeze? Shit, if that's the case, then you should write a book on learning languages. And a succinct book it would be:

"To learn <insert any given language here>, all you need to do is think in <insert given language here>. The end."

But then what's the purpose of this thread? Just think in Swedish! :D

-- pally-o-mine, light of my life, my best digital buddy -- you know i love ya. And I appreciate all you've done for me. :)

But after thinking solely in one language for 30+ years, for me to try to think in a new language will take some practice. I know you have an iron-fisted teaching philosophy, but if you tried to temper this approach with a little patience and understanding, it'd be cool. ;)

Kannst du die Macarena tanzen auch?

Yes, sehr bien.
Så det är svenska ni talar här nuförtiden? .. Jag är tvåspråkig, dvs. jag pratar både finska och svenska som modersmål. Dessutom har jag gått grundskolan på svenska.
Ich kann nicht so gut Deutsch sprechen, aber ich einverstande recht viel(but I understand quite much? not sure if it's right)

That's my two cents :D
its so funny you all trying to speak german... funny stuff comes out ^^
but to be honest, most of you guys will be better in german Grammar than I ever was. oO'' and I really think its pretty admirable that you guys are learning german, which really aint an easy language ^^
my english used to be lot better when I was at school, but Im trying to get back into it ^^

so dont take it too serious when Im laughing, but some things are too funny ^^

oh, and biiig compliment to you Phelice, to know how to explain German frases and Grammar in english... I couldnt in german :goggly:

so, thats all... go on guys ^^