hugeeee problem please help

I always thought it was just an RPM issue, which likely wouldn't be an issue anyway on a desktop (only on a laptop). And I doubt the bandwidth would get choked up, even in IDE (and I'm certain that SATA has more than enough). At my school, we always record to the system drive, and have nary had a problem.
well unfortunately my HD is 120gb and has 36gb left so i don't have much of a choice until i get a mac pro desktop in the future in which case we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

i'd also like to note that i can always buy the eSATA express card because the HD i got has esata compatibiity as well which helps. the guy on the phone at OWC told me to see how the fw800 records and if i have problems buy a $40 eSATA card which is like triple the speed or something like that.
Hey man...I had the same problem about a year ago -- while tracking Adam from Misery Index on a friend's project. Talk about embarassing.

Anyways, I highly recommend an external hard drive called LaCie Rugged. They're small and extremely portable, hold a lot of stuff, and they're pretty cheap.
those LaCie drives are faaaar from bulletproof. i have a dead 500GB D2 sitting on the shelf in the other room that worked for approx. 2 months.... i have a buddy went through 12 of them before wising up. any FW drive of at least 7200 rpm will suffice, but for you pros on here i'd highly recommend OWC and Glyph.
i just got my OWC in the mail today and so far so good. i transfered all audio projects onto there and havent tracked yet but playback and just dickin around with plug ins and stuff on the audio tracks was fine. well i learned my lesson. thank you james.
i just got my OWC in the mail today and so far so good. i transfered all audio projects onto there and havent tracked yet but playback and just dickin around with plug ins and stuff on the audio tracks was fine. well i learned my lesson. thank you james.

Is it quite?

Please let us/me know if you run into any problems with it.

I may decide to get this eventually.
arggggg i still have a minor problem.

i got it friday morning spent all day at home and transfered all my audio files and logic projects onto the external. i mixed all day and tried to bend it a little. i opened up a full project with like 30something tracks and put plug ins over all of them and just did crazy shit like crossfades, reverbs, ssl, blah blah. it was fine. i was like doing cartweel thinking im in the clear. WRONG.

today i had a reaming session for a buddy of mine who needed some stuff reamped for a project he's working on. 5 songs. so i start the project off the external. (i think this is the right way) i imported 4 tracks he gave me. 2 dry 2 reference. i already knew the arrangement and drums and stuff in my head anyway. so i have 4 tracks in there. i set up one 57 on the cab which is in the same room with me. i do my tone due diligence and get ready to record to a new track. first songs goes smooth. now during the second song there was this one like drawn out and very very dissonant chord which really made a shrill noise which was flying out of the cabinet. i got a core audio overload disc too slow error. i almost fainted. i kept trying, and it kept giving me the error. so i recorded the rest of the song and then i punched in just that one part. it recorded it.

for the rest of the songs i made the IO buffer size bigger (from 64 to 128) and it ran through them fine. granted that one part that kept overloading was unique as it really had this like ear pain inducing shrill oscillating thing going on. so basically all went fine except that one note, but i don't get it. i still don't feel confident. any suggestions?

i will upload the dry and mic'd clip of that one part i am talking about.

any help would be appreciated.

ps - once i was done with reamping i was like let me try a rough simulation of the initial incident last week that spawned this whole mess up in my computer. i didn't have 3 guitar players and a drummer so i did my best to copy a very strong signal in a loud room. i put 3 mics on my cab and plugged into a DR and cranked the shit out of it to like 60% on the master volume. LOUD. i hit record and just started ripping it. it recorded it fine. so that made me more fucked up because it seems like that one note gave my computer problems. i don't know.
I see you have 2 GB of ram. When I recently got my G5, I had 2 GB in it and was still getting audio overload alerts with ezdrummer. Now I have 4 GB and it seems ok.
If you can put more ram in, I'd try that. Thats the only suggestion I can give.

So is the external quiet?
oh yeah, it is quiet.

i was thinking about ram too. i guess that is a last resort. i was thinking of taking it to apple to do something i don't know. i've ran out of ideas. i think i'll try an extra stick of ram to bump it up to the macbook pro max which is 3gb.
I have a firewire 800 drive which is great for transfer speeds but I don't see a huge difference when I'm recording to that drive. What about partitioning a 10K rpm drive and having your system drive on the first partition and your audio drive on the second. I know its wise to record to a separate drive but I'm currently using this setup on my PC and seems to be running ok. What do you guys think?
Unless you have it rigged so that very little or no access for the system partition is needed while recording, which I know to not be the case because you're not using Linux or BSD, you could face problems.

The minute you stop seeing partitions as magical wonder boxes that make the world a weirder place and start seeing them as super-folders-on-the-rag-taking-cocaine-in-their-eyes, they make a lot more sense. Or maybe not and I'm just being silly. I really don't know. But different partitions won't help any more than having things in different folders from a mechanical standpoint.

I see what your saying. I run sessions on my macbook on the system drive and thats only 5400 rpm. I figured it would be fine since the mac OS is an entirely different file system than XP. Maybe since I dont have very many programs running in the background and have my PC setup as a DAW are the reasons I havent had issues yet.