can`t get inhale vocals to sit in mix

Nice fucking guitar tone!! What'd you use?

I love this bands music in a very weird way!

Dude, again, this tone slays!

Vocals need to be EQ'd differently is all, they're sitting in the EXACT same range as the guitars.

Try compressing them with TL's 2095 free vst. Google TBT 2095 to find it!
hmm. i dont think this singer has the greatest artistic ideas. whats with some of the placement?? he screams for like 10 seconds over a "verse" like part at the beginning. anyways it doesnt sound THAT bad when its buried in the mix like this. but yea i would add some distortion to his voice or something.
hehe thx guys. I`ll check out the TBT 2095 and try and eq it better. but I thought the gits are like in the midrange 500hz, and there`s a "hole" like at 2k, that`s where I put the vocals...

guitars were reamped with my 5150 combo with gh`s impulses, quadtracked, c4, hipass,lowpass. I really like them too. I can post settings of the 5150 if you want.
bass is DI,amp and sansamp mixed.
how do you guys like the kick? I`m not quite satisfied with it yet.

btw,here`s another clip without vocals:

the drummer is fucking sick. I didn`t even correct one hit (yet)!!!!!! really...

oh, and wait..., he`s plays better guitar than drums. yeah..., he wants to study jazz music next year. he is a fuckin god! maybe I can up some vids or pics from the recording sessions..

oh, the name of the band is FYAD (Fuck you and die)

//edit: link works now ;-)
hehe thx guys. I`ll check out the TBT 2095 and try and eq it better. but I thought the gits are like in the midrange 500hz, and there`s a "hole" like at 2k, that`s where I put the vocals...

guitars were reamped with my 5150 combo with gh`s impulses, quadtracked, c4, hipass,lowpass. I really like them too. I can post settings of the 5150 if you want.
bass is DI,amp and sansamp mixed.
how do you guys like the kick? I`m not quite satisfied with it yet.

btw,here`s another clip without vocals:

the drummer is fucking sick. I didn`t even correct one hit (yet)!!!!!! really...

oh, and wait..., he`s plays better guitar than drums. yeah..., he wants to study jazz music next year. he is a fuckin god! maybe I can up some vids or pics from the recording sessions..

oh, the name of the band is FYAD (Fuck you and die)

//edit: link works now ;-)

I'm like how everything sounds in that mix, man. Settings for the 5150 would be cool!

Thanks for sharing the name of the band.
you can take any gh`s impulses and they sound good! they`re still the best ones out there. anyhow its`s the "GuitarHack JJ BBAE-1" , but if you only have the "GuitarHack Mesa Trad Quad Between", it sounds exactly the same.

5150 settings: lead channel
pre: 4.8
low: 6.5
mid: two tracks 5, two tracks 2
high: 5
post: 3
res: 9-10
pres: 8.5