Can we start a religion called Opethism or something?


Junior Member
May 29, 2001
London, England
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well can we? lets think of rules and stuff and well anything we can do to start our new religion, in many years to come people will read about it in books and maybe we can overtake other major religions, i doubt it but we can at least establish ourselves as a minor religion:) .

oh and mikael isn't god, the whole band are i think we'll agree on that.
Heheh, what's the minimum required number of followers for a religion to be "official"? :p

Anyhoo, do you think Opethians need a religion? I think a philosophy would be more fitting, like satanism. (Disclaimer: don't you go thinking I'm drawing an analogy between these two things in any way, it's just the best example I could think of right now.)

Oh, and no gods, please. :)
Oh, and no gods, please.

well when i say gods, i dont mean like jesus or anything :D , i mean like the head of it, or should we all be equal? na it wont work like that.

well it came on the radio that when the national survey was going on that if 10,000 people wrote their religion was jedi for example that would become an official religion and so urged people to say that as their religion, i know a few that did:grin: .

the question is, if a religion falls in numbers so that there are less than 10,000 is it still OFFICIALLY regarded as a religion? i ask this as the religion i was born into (but dont follow) is one where you cant convert into and have to be born it, so by the end of the century i think it will be extremely smaller than it is now, and its small as it is.
Definately should not start a religion - just look at the God thread.

Maybe it can just be a state-of-mind: no brick-and-mortar church type buildings. no preacher types - just spread the word of Opetheism. The "word" will end up in books, on the news, and people will come. :)
Actually, a friend and I were kidding around about an "Opeth religion"

Basically, instead of dressing like mormons, you'd dress in jeans and an Opeth t-shirt and go door to door holding an Opeth CD in your hands and say things like, "Have you heard the wisdom of 'Opeth' yet?"

Then you can do readings:

"In the book of Morningrise, Track 4, section 12:11, Mikael says unto the people: 'do not turn your face towards me, confrontimg me with my lonliness...'"

well, I made up the time, but you get the idea. :)
and as goes in Dirge for november . "Grant me sleep and take me under like the wings of a dove , folding around I fade into this tender care "

We can build place's were people go to study the religion , we'll design it like Venues to hold 250 people , It will sell , Minor drugs like weed , and of course beer . You will have alot of freedom , but certain things will not be tolerated . There will be a stage in full view were bands can play and devote there music to the teachings of Opeth , then when a band plays there will be a reading from the book of Akerfeldt . The House of Opeth will have a geust speaker every month to influence more crowds in the venues . And once a year (Unlike cristianity) Akerfeldt will make a special un expected apearence .
i really dont have time right now so i didnt read any of that shit... all i know is that i will never be a part of a specific religion.... this is the one reason

--- To follow one specific religion, you have to agree with EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF IT!!!! Well not necesarilly "agree" but you have to follow it.... and theres no one religion where i agree with everything....
Originally posted by rogue27
Actually, a friend and I were kidding around about an "Opeth religion"

Basically, instead of dressing like mormons, you'd dress in jeans and an Opeth t-shirt and go door to door holding an Opeth CD in your hands and say things like, "Have you heard the wisdom of 'Opeth' yet?"

Then you can do readings:

"In the book of Morningrise, Track 4, section 12:11, Mikael says unto the people: 'do not turn your face towards me, confrontimg me with my lonliness...'"

well, I made up the time, but you get the idea. :)

Haha! Quite classic that is :D
News report(Fake)

The year is 0011 AO ( After the begining of opeth) the world has been changed by this Opeth Belief . Many Religious leaders have stepped down from there position to take part in this religion . Source's say that this "religion" has made a bigger inpact on the world than television and technology .
I think the religion idea would be a good idea. I agree that there shouldn't really be temples or preachers or whatever(after all, who is a better preacher than Mikael) but it might be cool if something was established. I have been a regular follower of Mikael for a while so I would like to see something be established so all of us who worship could come together and be recognized. There's a religion for Ozzy fans so why can't we make our own?