Can ya feel it?!?!?!

sands of the seas

Of Another World
Jul 18, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
I'm gonna be working in a recording studio for work experience at school and i'm gonna be getting paid $20 (AUS) a day! The sheet we gave him said he only had to pay $5 but dayam the dude asked me if $20 was ok. And it's working in a recording studio! Hot dog! Work Experience is gonna rock!
BTW, if you don't have work experience where you live and you don't know what it is, it's just basically high school kids getting a week off school to go to these jobs to get an insight into the work place. Even though half of them already have jobs.
Well i'm done, i just wanted to let somebody know. Somebody not in my family that is.
And to top it off, my CD just finished being maded :headbang:
I did work experiance in a recording studio too :D Well, I went to my fathers work, which was the National radio station, they used to have the best studio in the southern hemisphere (the government tore is down a few years ago, it's now a car park... long fucking story, and quite sad......), I watched one of the sound guys editing a live recording, using high-tech editing software which was so advanced at the time, there were only 3 places it could be done in the country (this was, however, over 10 years ago, I got a program that seems just as good for free with my sound card ). I even recorded an album in that studio once (well ok, it was the school choir, but I was the lead guitarist, got to do a couple of solos and shit like that).

:eek: And holy shit, you get paid for work experiance???!!!! Damn....
Work experience in a recording studio? What could be cooler? :confused:

Damn, I'm jealous. I did something mundane and totally uninteresting. I can't even remember what I did.

I'm happy for you. :)
my work experience was at this social security place, it was kinda shit cause everyone was trying to get me to do their dirty work-like filing and shit, I told them to piss off and just sat there eating muffins! or hanged out with the security guards. (who was always scared of me, have no idea why) got paid aswell, and they paied for my travel too!
yourdeadgroom, what did you do while you were there?
I went to the studio today and there was just this main room with a drum kits setup and a few different sorts of guitars lying around, quite cozy. Then there were a couple of back rooms. I only went into one and it had this huge switchboard or mixer or wateva the hell it was and a computer with this really confusing looking program on it.
Well, my point is, i can't imagine what the hell i would be doing all day. I hope they don't put me to work on filing or anything boring like that. Maybe i'll just sit there all day and play guitar :lol:
Originally posted by sands of the seas
yourdeadgroom, what did you do while you were there?
Well, I set up the days-worth of adverts (it being a radio station and all), which consisted of me putting cassette tapes over a magnet to wipe them, then recording a new ad from the master tape onto each cassette. The master copies were on these big-arse tape reels, I had to thread them into the machine, then move them manually to cue them up properly (sounded kinda like record scratching, had to cue it up just before it made a noise, without too much lead-off silence). Other than that, I sat and watched the technician guy editing the live recording, taking out all the coughing and stuff between songs, fading out the applause etc... while he explained everything.
god damn. in my shcool when we do work experience, we have to give the employer a letter saying that they're not supposed to pay us AND we DON'T get a week off school, we ahve to do it during our summer holidays.