Can you combine two diffrent sets of converters...


Super Rad Member
Dec 13, 2005
Its really time for me to setup a grade a conversion path in my studio. I have been using a M-Audio delta 1010 for the past few years and though it does a great job I still want 2 channels of ace conversion. So for the past month or so I have been researching AD units and I think I am pretty much sold on the the Lavry Blue. Being that I can only afford 2 channels (and a new card) I was wondering is it possible to run the Lavry Blue at the same time as the delta 1010. For example I would use the Lavry Blue on OH's and the Delta on the rest of a kit.
Matt Crooks said:
As long as they clock to the same source, you should be fine.

So in my case I would be clocking them to the Lavry, correct?