Can you polish a turd?

Jan 25, 2010
So can you polish a turd?
How do you make mediocre recordings sound okay?
for example here, my Of Mice & Men cover
How do you increase goodness?
The example clip doesnt have any plugins except the reverb on the synth.
can anyone tell me what THEY would do to make things sound better?

I guess my goal is to make things sound as if I didnt do them in a bed room :P

BTW Im reading this :P

...waits patiently for joey to say this is awful...

edit 2: the first mix

edit 3: Compression, eq and a bit o' reverb.
Are you asking if mixing makes songs sounds better? haha. Almost everything is too dark. Reference to professional stuff while you're working.
Are you asking if mixing makes songs sounds better? haha. Almost everything is too dark. Reference to professional stuff while you're working.

Haha, sorry I wasnt very specific. I got a little fed up from responses for a silly mistake I just ended up copying a pasting stuff from my other thread.

roflsaurusrex I understand that eq and compression makes things sound better haha.
By the way, thank you for your reply in my previous post about the mackie MR5. I ended up getting them :D
Thank you :kickass:

I guess what Im asking for is a little help cause Im not very good with the tools at hand.
this mix needs a bit more natural dynamics to it. The snare keeps popping on some hits in a non natural way. The tone is nice, the only thing that makes me want to punch babies is that horrible crash sound that's overused and really annoying. I don't think that this mix as a long way to go before it can sound good. I'd like to hear another kick and cymbal sound as this clearly sounds like a drum machine.
your biggest problems right now are that the guitars are way to muffled and absolutly none of the drums sound right. Ditch your reverb and compression as they arent going to help a thing untill you have a base tones that you can work with.

I dont know if that slate ex deal for 20$ is still going on but if it is grab it as it will make your drums 100X better not to mention its will get you close to that sturgis sound all for a nice low price lol