can you promote too much?

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
so here's a funny question. we were recently told we promote too much for out shows. is that even possible?

and besides, all we do is hand out flyers at shows and put up flyers around town. which is more than most bands around the world do.

but can you really promote too much? ever? i mean, if youre proud of your music, shouldnt you let me people know whats going on?
I'd say that at least 99,99% of the world's population don't even know you exist, so you should definitely promote more.
Who told you that? Because from the sounds of it, you're doing fine. If anything, you might want to promote more, over the internet and stuff. I don't really think you can promote too much, personally.

Was it a rival band that told you that? Because they might just be trying to fuck you over.
nah, no rival band or anything.

we promote over the interwebz too. especially teh myspaces.

and i agree with cherko. no one knows us, so we must promote until we have world domination!
There is such thing as over saturation in terms of advertising, but it depends on how broad the scope is for advertising. I think you're fine though since the flyers have been passed out in small quantities
Of course you can promote too much. If you promote a lot, people will start getting fucking sick of you and not even ever listen to your band just because you're so annoying.
You haven't reached oversaturation. If you had adds on TV, in the newspaper, and on every billboard and message board in a 50 mile radius, that would be oversaturation.

Promote more.

Btw, how much for the demo and what's the art gonna be?
Of course you can promote too much. If you promote a lot, people will start getting fucking sick of you and not even ever listen to your band just because you're so annoying.
My feelings exactly. There's some band on myspace who keeps sending me event invitations to a bunch of shit that I really don't care about and that I can't imagine anyone caring about. I've received invitations to "DEMO RELEASE PARTY!!!," "EP RELEASE PARTY!!!," "CD RELEASE PARTY!!!," "NEW T-SHIRTS AVAILABLE!!!," etc. and it's so fucking annoying. In fact, any time I have an event invitation these days, I just assume it's that band and delete it from my events without RSVPing or viewing the details, because I think they've monopolized enough of my time already. Ironically, despite all the over-promotion, I don't even remember their name :lol: