Can you recommend me studio monitors for my setup?


May 28, 2010
I have an electronic drumset and some guitars/AXE-FX2 which I usually play through headphones...but would it sound much better if I got some studio monitors? It would be for a small apartment bedroom, about 14x14 feet, and I probably wouldn't blast it at full volume so I don't bother the neighbors too much. Can you recommend me a good pair of studio monitors, and tell me if you think it would be better than playing through headphones? I don't mix music much...just play live. Thanks. As a side question...are studio monitors good to use for PC gaming as well?
Equator D5 user here. No complaints at all. Though they are the very first monitors I've ever owned so I can't compare/contrast to anything else.

And I play a good amount of games through them; sound great.
New Jbl Lsr305, no contest. They get more and more rave reviews with each new day for a reason. Of course, audition them in person if possible with a material you know well. I have them at home, like them a lot.