Canadian Katatonia Fan just got Screwed?


New Metal Member
Aug 10, 2005
Hey all, first time poster here...

Anyway, here's my situation:

I'm Canadian and as such, it is a little more difficult and pricey for me to get my hands on the Katatonia albums that get released and sometimes I just lack the drive to pick them up. Anyway, a couple days ago I FINALLY got around to picking up the VE (Admittedly I sampled the whole cd on mp3s, but I always intended to pick the album up) at an HMV in Calgary whlie vacationing there (I'm in Ontario now).

To the point - none of my cd players are recognizing the cd and everytime I try to listen to it on my computer, I keep getting a PC BOOSTER installer only... I explored the cd and there doesn't look to be any music data on there whatsoever. Needless to say I'm pretty pissed off and want to know whats up?
First off welcome.....and thanx for not just downloading Katatonia.......they need our support......

to the point:...what format was the CD.....digipak?....
I have never heard of this happening before.......if you can take some pics and post them that would be the best way for us (those of us who post regularly here) to figure it out.....if not tell me everything you can about the cd....who released it etc.

sorry bout your luck....but its probably one in 10 thousand that have a problem....and shit....if it is actually a fucked up one....I might buy it off of you just to say I have a fucked up Katatonia cd....(I am the collector here)

Thanks for the reply, I definitely support Katatonia as much as possible and VE was the last one I needed to complete the collection with Renkse as lead vocalist which is one of the reasons why I'm so aggrivated....Also, I took at look at your collection..........good god, nice job :o

Anyway, go figure that 10 thousand had some kind of defect, the funny thing is I even ran through this scenario (the disc not working) just as I was unwrapping the cd.

As for the CD, Ive got a digicam but I haven't been able to find my USB cable to upload the pics to computer. Here's the contents of the CD

Also, on the side of the case I have CDVILED103 (same text appears on the actual cd). The CD itself is purely black and mentions standard copyright laws
is the actual disc completely black? :/
I don't have the digipak myself, but it sounds fishy... and that screenshot seems even fishier... But leave it to deliverance he knows his shiz I'm sure :]
hmmmm....never heard of an all black Disk for VE....although I dont have the reissue.......oh....LOLZ....I said ONE in ten thousand may have had a defect.....but we will get this worked out for you........My CD says CDVILEF103....I dont know if that is something different or the CD in a JEWEL case....(plastic) or DIGIPAK (folded cardboardy thing) that is really what I need to know..... :wave:
how old are your cd players? i had to buy a new one a while ago cause it wouldnt recongnise any new cds that i bought
huhh? that computer screenshot look more like the cd contain files to install somekind of software (you meantioned pc booster?).

and none of your standard cd player can recognize it?

it could be a scam if the disc doesnt actaully have the music, but some other crap in it instead.

when you bought it, was the cd new and wrapped?

i suggest returning the disc and demand a refund or exchange.
Yeah, I definitely have the digipak, and it's completely glossed (smooth) as opposed to how LSFDG feels, so I'm not sure if that could give a hint if its pirated or not. Another thing I noticed recently was for Burn the Remembrance as there looks to be some lyrics missing in the book and that could be the same for some other songs as well (I still have the mp3s).

As for returning the cd, well, I'm back from vacationing in Calgary which is where I bought it and Calgary is practically on the other side of Canada for me. I did buy it at an HMV though, so I may be able to do something about it at one here, but then again, I threw away my receipt not really believing this sorta thing would happen. I swear I'm cursed.

And finally, I am just getting PC BOOSTER program, which looks to be some kind of VRAM management software, as you can see in the screenshot I posted. It's also in swedish/dutch/german I'm not sure. I really don't know what it's saying.

So that sums it all up. I'll try and look for my USB cord so I can take pics of the CD, but at this point, after trying on several CD players, I've either got a major dud or I'm a victim of piracy.
well... a bit of googling gave me this.

judging from you screenshot, you already have it installed.(the bar with mem availability in your top right..)

and judging from this page -> it looks like some sort of semicrappy sheatpoorsuckersoutoftheirmoneyware..

cant for my life figure out why it would end up in a katatonia cd though...
Hobo said:
well... a bit of googling gave me this.

judging from you screenshot, you already have it installed.(the bar with mem availability in your top right..)

and judging from this page -> it looks like some sort of semicrappy sheatpoorsuckersoutoftheirmoneyware..

cant for my life figure out why it would end up in a katatonia cd though...

it just gets worse.. :Spin:
No love for Canada eh.... I know I have to try and return it. I suppose I can head to HMV here and see what can be done. It still ticks me of to have to go through this whole hassle. I can't even fathom how this kind of mixup could have occured. I mean, the cover and the cd are both stamped with the SAME key (CDVILEF103).

Thanks for the info hobo, and yeah I installed it....I actually have been using it, but I tell ya, it doesn't quite tide me overlike Katatonia's music does.
DeeBag said:
No love for Canada eh.... I know I have to try and return it. I suppose I can head to HMV here and see what can be done. It still ticks me of to have to go through this whole hassle. I can't even fathom how this kind of mixup could have occured. I mean, the cover and the cd are both stamped with the SAME key (CDVILEF103).

Thanks for the info hobo, and yeah I installed it....I actually have been using it, but I tell ya, it doesn't quite tide me overlike Katatonia's music does.

They could at least have accidentally stamped some extremely expensive software or something.