Canadian Police is trying to find a boy through XBOX LIVE !!!

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Apr 9, 2004
In loco parentis
The event has already became an issue and in a media circus through the past week. The truth in my opinion is that the boy is not going to appear alive, I'm trying to be the more realistic as I could be, but is too hard that somebody dissapear during 10 days and come back with life, seeing how those people not only in the United States but in the whole wideworld behave.

22th October :

The father said: I'm worried he has met someone online through this game. It could be organized crime or someone involved in Internet gambling. Pedophiles can stalk kids through these games.

23th Octuber: The police is giving $10,000 dólares (canadians?) in order to deliver any information about Brandon.

A sarge testify:

From my understanding, he has worked so hard to build his [in-game] credibility, and if you start a new profile, you have to start at the bottom.

24th October: The mother keep on pushing with the theory that her little angel could not recognize the reality over the fantasy. The note says:

She insists her son was taken by some misfit teammate who may be participating in a bizarre video game that has somehow crossed over into reality.

Crisp said her son was "addicted" to the terrorist war game, Call of Duty, and might have met up with team players online.

"I think someone has him," Crisp said.

25th October :
Microsoft adds 25,000 dóllars to the reward.

26th October : A bounty hunter from a reality show joins to the search... Terry Grant from Mantracker program, is described as the Canadian Chuck Norris by a reader of GP.


You said it with such an ease, how insensitive you are :(, you could cry as you did when heat ledger died :mad:.

old news is old

Nooooooooooo !!!

I actually don't really care either. Call me a cunt if you'd like, but I'd side with Jm (...did I say that?!) on this. People die constantly; that's life. At least he died falling of a tree than being an Ethiopian.

Although, that is slightly funny...
You can't argue with that!
Actually, it's not. But judging from your other comments you're a moron and your opinion is worthless. This kid got grounded form his game, got frustrated and ran away from home. We've all done something like that in our youth. He was in a bad mood, had no where to go, figured he'd climb a tree and hide for a few hours to make them worried and come home and prove his point. It's a tragedy what happened and if you think it's funny or anything then you're a lowly piece of shit. Bottom line. Not just in my eyes, but everyone's... and not because I said so, deep down you know it's true. Now fuck off :D
Actually, it's not. But judging from your other comments you're a moron and your opinion is worthless. This kid got grounded form his game, got frustrated and ran away from home. We've all done something like that in our youth. He was in a bad mood, had no where to go, figured he'd climb a tree and hide for a few hours to make them worried and come home and prove his point. It's a tragedy what happened and if you think it's funny or anything then you're a lowly piece of shit. Bottom line. Not just in my eyes, but everyone's... and not because I said so, deep down you know it's true. Now fuck off :D


While i dont think its funny, i absolutely care 0

Nothing, nothing at all

the kid died from his own ignorance and i couldn't care less, if this makes me aswell, a lowly piece of shit, then i again; do not fucking care even the slightest :lol:

He was 15. How can you say he died of his own ignorance, you don't know shit when you're 15. I don't care personally but it's not like he was an adult where you could say 'hey he was an idiot'. He was a kid, kids do dumb shit. It's sad, really. I can understand you not caring, but if that's the case then maybe you should just stay silent and show some class and respect ;)
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