I wish there was an option that lets you disable avatars...
You're living proof.
He was 15. How can you say he died of his own ignorance, you don't know shit when you're 15. I don't care personally but it's not like he was an adult where you could say 'hey he was an idiot'. He was a kid, kids do dumb shit. It's sad, really. I can understand you not caring, but if that's the case then maybe you should just stay silent and show some class and respect![]()
If you're aware of this then why contribute to the problem. Shut the fuck up.Dude, we're all living proof. The entire human race is fucked because nobody can see past their own fucking eyelids anymore. There's maybe 0.00001% of the Earth's population that actually gives two shits about anyone besides themselves on a large scale, and if you think otherwise then you're just fucking naive.
Nope, i chose not to.![]()
If he was 15, thats even worse. I mean, if he was 10 or something, sure, he wouldnt know better when climbing a tree and then plummeting to his own demise, but 15? Fuck, people started WORKING at 14 before the ww2 in norway, he could have prevented it by using his brain, he didn't.
Actually, it's not. But judging from your other comments you're a moron and your opinion is worthless. This kid got grounded form his game, got frustrated and ran away from home. We've all done something like that in our youth. He was in a bad mood, had no where to go, figured he'd climb a tree and hide for a few hours to make them worried and come home and prove his point. It's a tragedy what happened and if you think it's funny or anything then you're a lowly piece of shit. Bottom line. Not just in my eyes, but everyone's... and not because I said so, deep down you know it's true. Now fuck off![]()
I wish you were able to climb up a fucking tree and share the same fate... unfortunately we all know that's never gonna happen.
You can do that if you use Opera. :]
you can?I use Opera
I think--know--you misunderstood me because, well, you're in your sense of an enlightened state which you're rather often.Which is why I have always, since you joined, evaluated your posts as horsepiss.
It always amuses me when you try to mock another user or have a laugh at their expense. You're the bottom of the barrelIt doesn't get any worse than you. The only thing you have going for you is that your belly is so huge that if you need a little extra cash you can throw on a red jacket and parade around the mall and make a convincing Santa.
Kids are more naive these days. Stick your video games man, it's doing wonders for your brain and sense of compassion!
Yeah and i wonder who's fault that is.
Wow.. You're actually blaming videogames for thingsYou're growing up to be american, good on you! Nothing wrong with my sense of compassion, i help old ladies across the street and i'll never leave anyone injured, i feel remorse if i've done someone(or something) wrong, and i feel sad when someone near me, or someone near someone i know has died. HOWEVER. I feel that reading the news, and internet, and caring about every goddamned fucking moron who drop from trees and buildings like flies, or someone getting horribly mauled in whatever incident, or anyone starving to death, is just causing me more misfortune than needed. I used to care about shit like that, but i just ended up being more and more depressed and thinking "OMG THE WORLD SUCKS LOLOL" etc. I live a happier life now that ive learned to block out shit like that.
If i knew the kid, or if anyone i know knew the kid, i'd care way more, and not just out of courtesy but because it affects me, through my friend being sad over his/her loss. There are way too many deaths and misfortunes around for me to possibly care about, its not that i want to be an ass(but pretending to do so i can troll you feks, is fun), but that i have better things to worry about of the now.
Heck, i give to beggars and aid for starving children in africa(though mostly because the ones who come knocking on my door pretty much threatens to break my legs if i dont give)
And thats that.
.I'm not expecting anyone to care or feel an emotional pain over the loss of the child, but if you can't recognize it is a sad loss for the family and have a little respect and understanding displayed in your comments then just say nothing until you grow up.
Hey is this one of those arguments about caring for dead people you read about on the internet again?
*reads thread*
*leaves thread*
Wow, because I was totally getting at you about something?
Way to be a total fucking faggot man, nice one.
Christ you can be a self-centred cunt sometimes.
Dude, what other point did that comment have. I wasn't meaning to argue with these dicks I just made my point and got sucked into itI'm not saying ANYONE has to care, but show a bit more respect than LOL FUCKING STUPID KID.