Canadian Police is trying to find a boy through XBOX LIVE !!!

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He doesn't want you to be affected, he wants you to have respect.

Have to say I'm with the Muffin,Swabs and Chris here..does this type of indifference make me a bad person or unintelligent in some way,of course fucking not.
@ Undefined : Sure it's a pity it happened but if events dont directly effect my life, or that of my family and friends, and dont have some sort of political/social/moral connoctations that go against my beliefs and principles, then Im honestly not overly bothered..simple as..Its in human nature to be more objective about events and issues outside of our own experience capacity, you cant argue with that.

All well and good but that has NOTHING to do with what I stated. Swabs didn't say shit. Muffin was ignorant in the sense that he had to call the child stupid for a simple mistake. That was a stupid thing for him to say imo. I don't want him to cry for the kid, but have a little respect and class to keep dumb comments to himself. Chris just jumped on (and subsequently broke) the bandwagon.

Oh and you mightnt want to preach about insensitivity when a lot of your posts directly effecting negatively the people you have contact with on this forum..if your trying to be the moral policeman of this place,at least do it properly :Smug:
I am not trying to be anything other than someone who's talking the truth. Unfortunately no one here seems to understand me and keeps going back to the same fucking point that has nothing to do with what I've said. :rolleyes:

He doesn't want you to be affected, he wants you to have respect.

The mexican gets it. :notworthy: Fuck you guys are slow. I don't want you to cry, just don't spout off at your ignorant mouths... HAHA SO STUPID RETARD KID! is not appropriate. The kid was 15, it's a sad loss, show some respect.
This thread is now officially about female protagonists.

No fair, I has to have my say first!! :(

It clearly can be interpreted like that when you get comments like this:

It's really sad that you think in that way, we are humans being and the people whom have lost some important member from their families know this pain, they know how does it feel, but maybe you have not lost anybody, or you just have no feelings for the others more than yourself :erk:

You have a family and how would you feel if one of your kids died in the same way ?

Try to understand how the parents feel in this moment, they must feel guilty.

Look,dont worry, you dont have to pray for my immoral soul or anything..just because Im realistic by nature doesnt make me selfish,uncaring and insensitive.. I study history and Geography at college so Im finely attuned to the plights of humanity and all that,Ive written essays on the development of Third World Countries,social consequences of warfare etc so its not like Im unfeeling towards issues affecting other people..

I KNOW the family must be distraught and the loss of his life will be devastating for them,it's sad it happened,I'm sympathetic but thats as far as I can connect with it.

Having to formulate opinions and justifiable answers on development impediment in lesser developed countries makes you think about the macroscale of events and how so many people are being exploited by Capitalist tendencies,how people are being oppressed, and in cases like Burma, murdered by their own government,how many people starve to death due to government finance being deemed better spent on warfare than on education and vital infrastructure..
After all that hearing about someone who fell out of a tree just doesnt quite measure up..
Im not being disrespectful, but as an outsider to that family as everyone is here thats just how I feel.
All well and good but that has NOTHING to do with what I stated. Swabs didn't say shit. Muffin was ignorant in the sense that he had to call the child stupid for a simple mistake. That was a stupid thing for him to say imo. I don't want him to cry for the kid, but have a little respect and class to keep dumb comments to himself. Chris just jumped on (and subsequently broke) the bandwagon.
I am not trying to be anything other than someone who's talking the truth. Unfortunately no one here seems to understand me and keeps going back to the same fucking point that has nothing to do with what I've said. :rolleyes:
The mexican gets it. :notworthy: Fuck you guys are slow. I don't want you to cry, just don't spout off at your ignorant mouths... HAHA SO STUPID RETARD KID! is not appropriate. The kid was 15, it's a sad loss, show some respect.

Swabs didnt need to say shit,I think he made my point better than I did actually..

I know what you meant,dont be a patronising, condescending dick by calling me slow..isnt showing respect an extention of having been affected by something? So how people react,ie ignorantly in your view or otherwise IS about being affected by the situation in a way, m'kay?
I know all you ask for is for people to show respect and reverance and I do agree with you in a way, its just mostly the way you phrased stuff and went about preaching ie that all of humanity would think you utter scum not to feel poignant reverance for someone you have never known dying, pissed me off a bit!

Anyway,Im tired and dont really give a fuck...
Fav female protragonist goes to Laura Croft too probs
Having to formulate opinions and justifiable answers on development impediment in lesser developed countries makes you think about the macroscale of events and how so many people are being exploited by Capitalist tendencies,how people are being oppressed, and in cases like Burma, murdered by their own government,how many people starve to death due to government finance being deemed better spent on warfare than on education and vital infrastructure..
After all that hearing about someone who fell out of a tree just doesnt quite measure up..

According to your logic the human being must/should become into a beast without feelings, because there are lot of shit around the world ?

Should I become insensitive in order to understand you ?

We all know what is going on inside those countries, and even knowing that I don't consider myself as a cold person.

Ive written essays on the development of Third World Countries,social consequences of warfare etc so its not like Im unfeeling towards issues affecting other people.

of course dude, I can tell...
This thread sucks because it has large quantities of Chris, baaawing, raaaging and Alexis makingvalid points. :erk:

The problem with this thread is everyone in it jumping to conclusions. Alexis jumped on JM because he jumped to the conclusion that she was insensative to the situation because she didn't express remorse. Joe subsequently found an excuse to shit on her, and he did, which in turn made chris get defensive and a large flame war erupted because of it. Joes constant insults are a staggaring display of hypocricy, being that he always complains about people insulting him. I've seen less hypocricy from politicians.

I'm actually going to unlock this so you people can explain yourselves.
Actually, JM was the first one to post a direct offensive comment

Just stfu, I think it sucks that he died but I'm not going to expose any of my feelings on cobot anymore.

I think Joe did a good thing shitting on her, he sould have done it twice.
The problem with this thread is everyone in it jumping to conclusions. Alexis jumped on JM because he jumped to the conclusion that she was insensative to the situation because she didn't express remorse. Joe subsequently found an excuse to shit on her, and he did, which in turn made chris get defensive and a large flame war erupted because of it. Joes constant insults are a staggaring display of hypocricy, being that he always complains about people insulting him. I've seen less hypocricy from politicians.

I'm actually going to unlock this so you people can explain yourselves.

No one jumped on her. She made an insensitive comment, and then he (surprisingly) made a good point about her and Heath Ledger. I made my point that was directed NOT ONLY AT HER, but to everyone. Sure we all got into a heated debate and insults were thrown but who cares. Discussions head that way sometimes. And name or post evidence of one time where I complained about anyone insulting me, Robert.
no she didn't, she updated us that the kid has died. nothing more.

JM said/wrote it like if a dog would have died.

She says she cares and bla bla bla, but she's not showing her feelings on cobot anymore ( all we know the reason ).

Chamet says sth like " If you don't want to show your feelings, why do you have a pic in your avatar with chris and you kissing each other ? <<< There's a huge contradiction here. >>>

The point is that JM doesn't care really about the kid, coz he was not a movie-star, handsome, rich and junkey :O.
I think you guys are just looking for, and manufacturing reasons to shit on people.
Not really. I was not only directing my point at her, in fact I was debating with other people through almost the entire span of the thread.

Kid was 15, don't have an attitude of HAHA DUMB KID DIED CUZ OF VIDEO GAMES... fuck off to another website if that's your attitude it will be plenty welcomed there. That was my point.
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