Canadian Police is trying to find a boy through XBOX LIVE !!!

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usually you should be able to determine some basic things, and ask yourself questions such as; "Is the tree climbable(i.e enough branches, thick enough to support your ass)?", "Is the tree slippery?", "Is there foul wind that can compromise my balance?", "Do i have a raging fear of small insects that might cloud my miniscule judgement into thinking that ejecting to escape a few ants is win?" etc

but when all is said, i guess he just accidentally the whole tree
usually you should be able to determine some basic things, and ask yourself questions such as; "Is the tree climbable(i.e enough branches, thick enough to support your ass)?", "Is the tree slippery?", "Is there foul wind that can compromise my balance?", "Do i have a raging fear of small insects that might cloud my miniscule judgement into thinking that ejecting to escape a few ants is win?" etc

but when all is said, i guess he just accidentally the whole tree

You should have been able to determine that all your posts in this thread were completely idiotic before you posted them, and you didn't. People make mistakes all the time. :)
usually you should be able to determine some basic things, and ask yourself questions such as; "Is the tree climbable(i.e enough branches, thick enough to support your ass)?", "Is the tree slippery?", "Is there foul wind that can compromise my balance?", "Do i have a raging fear of small insects that might cloud my miniscule judgement into thinking that ejecting to escape a few ants is win?" etc

but when all is said, i guess he just accidentally the whole tree

Yeah because every kid sets out to do a full investigation of the structural integrity of a tree before climbing it.

Not to mention that you fail to realise that you could easily fall out of a tree even if it was the sturdiest, most climbable tree in the world.
You should have been able to determine that all your posts in this thread were completely idiotic before you posted them, and you didn't. People make mistakes all the time. :)

I disagree with YOU. Muffin's post have not been idiotic. Care to elaborate? I'm certain you're saying that to jump on the Undefined bandwagon (haha?).

First of all, I don't quite understand you're whole bullshit argument, Mr. Heartless. No one has jumped out and directly insulted him in that matter, but what has happened is that we simply don't care about it. And you jump out saying "OMG HE DOESN'T CARE. THAT'S COLD! ZOMG! CALL THE POLICE!"

You are way too serious. If everyone took everything that is said on the news a world away that serious, suicide rates would be through the roof.

Then you argue, "I don't care that you don't care, but show some respect"
Okay..again, I don't see that as what you're arguing. But okay. Why should we take this seriously? I mean, what would that ever contribute positively at all? If someone close died to me, I wouldn't want the world to cry/care about it.

Than you go further saying, well..if you don't care..well, then you're a moron! And then you go further down saying "It amuses me to see you laughing at the expense of others". Seriously? Are you trolling? You do the same thing all the time! Hypocrite.

I don't really care about this, because it's extremely idiotic to argue with someone as you. But now to tear muffin for his thoughts/opinions about the situation is ridiculous. That's what a forum is; share you're fuckin' thoughts. No wonder this forum went downhill. If you disagree, then I'm quite sure you're that there are more sensible ways of saying then "Oh, he's posts in this whole thread are idiotic". Because, this is not the case at all.

Oh, and you're argument that "If you're that cold (TO YOUR STANDARD), then go to another forum." Well..I hate to say it..but it's not YOUR forum.

Bottom line is anyone who is debating my point and is arguing that it's cool/okay to called a 15 year old who died and idiot is truly a sad individual. I never said, and I want to thank you kids for repeating this cause it has nothing to do with my posts, but I don't care if you don't care about this kid. I don't, I mean it's sad but it won't affect my life. My point is that insulting a dead child thinking OH HE SHOULD HAVE CHECKED THE TREE LOLOLOL... I expected more from you Frank, looks like 4chan and your video games have rotted your mind.
i dont care, and i will never, ever, care. The world doesnt revolve around your opinions, so pull your head out of your ass. Noone cares, especially not me.

Hmm, oh, and i'm superior to that kid, i didn't die from climbing a tree when i was 15, i live now, therefore i win, he lost, and so did you(the game).

He was a fucking idiot, and i stand by that.

usually you should be able to determine some basic things, and ask yourself questions such as; "Is the tree climbable(i.e enough branches, thick enough to support your ass)?", "Is the tree slippery?", "Is there foul wind that can compromise my balance?", "Do i have a raging fear of small insects that might cloud my miniscule judgement into thinking that ejecting to escape a few ants is win?" etc

but when all is said, i guess he just accidentally the whole tree

Yeah I'm the one with the internet hero attitude :rolleyes:

I wouldn't call him an idiot at all, sure climbing a tree isn't the safest thing in the world. But people do it all the time, if he jumped out the tree then yeah he'd be a fucking idiot. But he didn't, he fell, accidentally.

Kids climb trees. Accidents happen. To deny this and criticize the kid is stupid. I'd like to know how cool Muffin was when he was 15, I mena he's what, 18 now? And all he does is play computer games, pretend he's a musician and cry about his IRL friends baaawing and how hard is life is.

You should have been able to determine that all your posts in this thread were completely idiotic before you posted them, and you didn't. People make mistakes all the time. :)


Oh, and you're argument that "If you're that cold (TO YOUR STANDARD), then go to another forum." Well..I hate to say it..but it's not YOUR forum.


I said if you want to act like a fuckwit and think it's funny when people die and then harass the family and spawn stupid catch phrases form it then fuck off to 4chan.
I expected more from you Frank, looks like 4chan and your video games have rotted your mind.

:lol:! Yes ofcourse, completely ignoring the fact that i barely surf 4chan at all (only when i have nothing better to do, which i as a matter of fact have), and that.. YOu know, the videogames thing, thats just too ridiculous man, if you believe that hippie crap about video games affecting people(and i mean people with the IQ above a loaf), then i REALLY don't have anything more to say to you. Think what you want man, i dont care.

I know you better than you think ;) You have such a hard life :waah::

Same goes to you, buddy ;) But i'm not gonna go into detail on that one :Saint:
:lol:! Yes ofcourse, completely ignoring the fact that i barely surf 4chan at all (only when i have nothing better to do, which i as a matter of fact have), and that.. YOu know, the videogames thing, thats just too ridiculous man, if you believe that hippie crap about video games affecting people(and i mean people with the IQ above a loaf), then i REALLY don't have anything more to say to you. Think what you want man, i dont care.

You spouted more memes than anyone else in this thread. You also took the most disgusting (almost troll-like) opinion and stuck with it. For someone claiming they barely visit 4chan, you're not acting in a manner that would have me believe that. Face it.

Same goes to you, buddy ;) But i'm not gonna go into detail on that one :Saint:
Go ahead. You don't got shit so by all means please :)
That seems to be a pretty common thing on this board. I continue to just :rolleyes:

We actually do know you well. You've deliberately made your personal life public.

Dude, don't deny it anymore! This is the reason why you two know each other soooo well:


Bleurgh :zombie:
You spouted more memes than anyone else in this thread. You also took the most disgusting (almost troll-like) opinion and stuck with it. For someone claiming they barely visit 4chan, you're not acting in a manner that would have me believe that. Face it.

Why NOW you're on to something :lol:

Go ahead. You don't got shit so by all means please :)

No, i have no interest in exploiting your personal life as an insult or anything like that, but i got shit, dont worry.
LOL at the Chris motivational/meme posters! :lol: High fives all around for the excellent work, haha!

Also, Heartless is a hypocrite, we all know this. Do you think he gives a shit about this boy? You would be a fool to believe for one minute that Heartless is sympathetic and caring :lol:
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