You should have been able to determine that all your posts in this thread were completely idiotic before you posted them, and you didn't. People make mistakes all the time.
I disagree with YOU. Muffin's post have not been idiotic. Care to elaborate? I'm certain you're saying that to jump on the Undefined bandwagon (haha?).
First of all, I don't quite understand you're whole bullshit argument, Mr. Heartless. No one has jumped out and directly insulted him in that matter, but what has happened is that we simply don't care about it. And you jump out saying "OMG HE DOESN'T CARE. THAT'S
You are way too serious. If everyone took everything that is said on the news a world away that serious, suicide rates would be through the roof.
Then you argue, "I don't care that you don't care, but show some respect"
Okay..again, I don't see that as what you're arguing. But okay. Why should we take this seriously? I mean, what would that ever contribute positively at all? If someone close died to me, I wouldn't want the world to cry/care about it.
Than you go further saying, well..if you don't care..well, then you're a moron! And then you go further down saying "It amuses me to see you laughing at the expense of others". Seriously? Are you trolling? You do the same thing all the time! Hypocrite.
I don't really care about this, because it's extremely idiotic to argue with someone as you. But now to tear muffin for his thoughts/opinions about the situation is ridiculous. That's what a forum is; share you're fuckin' thoughts. No wonder this forum went downhill. If you disagree, then I'm quite sure you're that there are more sensible ways of saying then "Oh, he's posts in this whole thread are idiotic". Because, this is not the case at all.
Oh, and you're argument that "If you're that cold (TO YOUR STANDARD), then go to another forum." Well..I hate to say it..but it's not YOUR forum.