Canadian Police is trying to find a boy through XBOX LIVE !!!

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Being an asshole to a dead 15 year old kid > being a loser with something to prove online.

Are you done trying to be some kind of troll scientist now? Whatever you were trying to prove doesn't mean anything. I had more respect for you when I thought you were a dickhead, now I just laugh at you. And obviously I would 'piss all over myself in an effort to put you and your opinions down' because they were ludicrous, stupid opinions designed to get that reaction from a person. I will admit I got trolled. I only 'took the bait' because I gave you more credit than I should have. I would have never thought you capable of such retarded antics, you were one of the few members I had actual respect for and knew had a level head most of the time. Fool me once...

Dude, i dont care if i had your respect or not, you didn't have mine, so i'm not really interested what you think of me, regardless of your change in opinions because you are butthurt over me exploiting your internet temper.
I wasn't trying to prove anything for any other than myself, and, well thats that really.

Your respect means nothing to me :)
I'm not butthurt in the slightest. :lol: You got me, I'm not denying that. I had a reason to get angry because what you were saying was over-enthused ignorance meant to piss people (ie: me) off. You bait a hook, you'll get a fish. I just didn't expect that from you.

And fyi, your act of nonchalant tough guy who is self confident is quite transparent. Your claim of 'I wasn't trying to prove anything for any other than myself' seems ingenuine. And I really hope it is, because you claimed to have better things to do with your time... or was that part of the act too :) All this effort on your part to prove to everyone that my buttons are easily pushed. :lol: WOW WHAT A NEWSFLASH! GREAT SCOOP! Also it seems that you are in fact backpedalling. You're a conflicted characted my young friend. You're not as smart as you try to portray yourself. Stop trying so hard.
Actually I'm reading an article and finishing a project :p EDUCATION IS WIN!!1!!!!111 Just taking breaks in between :ill:

No, I'm not perfect man, and I'm not an asshole. I thought he was genuinely thinking it was ok to say a 15 year old kid who died making a mistake was an idiot. I had hoped to maybe change his view, and enlighten him a little. Unfortunately the talks got a little aggressive from all parties involved, although since he admits to trolling it kind of had no other direction to go. If it was someone like CrazyChris or Viewer From Nihil, I'd have not given a fuck, maybe thrown a few comments in for fun but that'd been that. But coming from a respected member (and yes I know you never respected me OMG MY FEELINGS ARE HURT :(:(:() I just tried to engage him in a debate over this and I ended up OMG MAKING AN IDIOT OUT OF MYSELF ONT HE INTERNET or something to that effect.

P.S. Two posts since 1am is not that bad :lol:
I'm not butthurt in the slightest. :lol: You got me, I'm not denying that. I had a reason to get angry because what you were saying was over-enthused ignorance meant to piss people (ie: me) off. You bait a hook, you'll get a fish. I just didn't expect that from you.

And fyi, your act of nonchalant tough guy who is self confident is quite transparent. Your claim of 'I wasn't trying to prove anything for any other than myself' seems ingenuine. And I really hope it is, because you claimed to have better things to do with your time... or was that part of the act too :) All this effort on your part to prove to everyone that my buttons are easily pushed. :lol: WOW WHAT A NEWSFLASH! GREAT SCOOP! Also it seems that you are in fact backpedalling. You're a conflicted characted my young friend. You're not as smart as you try to portray yourself. Stop trying so hard.

Ah i'm not gonna bother anymore, keep on attacking me man, it's not gonna get you anywhere
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