Canadian Police is trying to find a boy through XBOX LIVE !!!

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I know....


btw, did the avatar-block-thing work? :]
I personally think Chris is a fucking waste of fresh air, I mean, we need oxygen and this fat guy is like consuming it like injecting heroin into his dick.

tl;dr: just fucking pull the trigger.
What the fuck did the 15 year old want from that tree anyway? Goddamn, some people have THE ideas. Oh yeah! IM GOING TO HELL NOW...i actually agree with, Muffin. Yeah, too bad he died but if i cared about everyone that i read has died on the fucking internet i would not have room for any other thoughts!

Oh yeah...this thread has turned into a shitfest.

...or maybe even a Chrisfest, hmm?
Weird, no one has blamed Alexis for starting the thread :p

Just kidding obviously, everyone continue.
Have to say I'm with the Muffin,Swabs and Chris here..does this type of indifference make me a bad person or unintelligent in some way,of course fucking not.
@ Undefined : Sure it's a pity it happened but if events dont directly effect my life, or that of my family and friends, and dont have some sort of political/social/moral connoctations that go against my beliefs and principles, then Im honestly not overly bothered..simple as..Its in human nature to be more objective about events and issues outside of our own experience capacity, you cant argue with that.

Oh and you mightnt want to preach about insensitivity when a lot of your posts directly effecting negatively the people you have contact with on this forum..if your trying to be the moral policeman of this place,at least do it properly :Smug:
does this type of indifference make me a bad person or unintelligent in some way,of course fucking not.

It's really sad that you think in that way, we are humans being and the people whom have lost some important member from their families know this pain, they know how does it feel, but maybe you have not lost anybody, or you just have no feelings for the others more than yourself :erk:

Sure it's a pity it happened but if events dont directly effect my life, or that of my family and friends, and dont have some sort of political/social/moral connoctations that go against my beliefs and principles, then Im honestly not overly bothered..simple as..Its in human nature to be more objective about events and issues outside of our own experience capacity, you cant argue with that.

You have a family and how would you feel if one of your kids died in the same way ?

Try to understand how the parents feel in this moment, they must feel guilty.
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