cancelling voltage


Feb 18, 2006
i have a friend whos band i am recording and last time he brought his amp, i mic'ed it (assumingly)
im no good at micing amps, and usually at the moment with my amp i just use the emulated phone output and then EQ after
basically this band want the finished product prettyt quickly after recording and so i thought i will save mic'ing for another day and hopefully for this event i can just use the output on his amp for recording
but the problem is, his amp doesnt have an emulated output, but a speaker output, of 230 volts or something similar ( i dont remember)
anyway i want to know, is there anything i can do to cancel this voltage or something like that so i can get the signal from his amp without blowing up my equipment
ive tried this output before and it was (as you would assume) completely distorted and basically, too powerful
is there anyway to somehow get a clean signal from the amp
i mean clean signal as in the sound from the amp, (distorted guitar) but when i connected the speaker output directly to my tascam, the signal was to powerful and distorted
im sayin is there anyway to get rid of this voltage, and get the sound, by digital means?
hahah thanks but i was looking for some cheap half assed way to do it
i guess ill just have to try micing it again
haha mutant i use a tascam fw-1804 tis very good for its use
Pman said:
haha mutant i use a tascam fw-1804 tis very good for its use

Hmmm connecting cabinet output to line input is like sticking your headphones in the 230V AC outlet. :erk:

If you didn't fry it - it's a miracle :err: