Cancer Sucks

Steve was one of the absolutely funniest dudes on this forum, and perhaps on the internet in some crazy way. I programmed the majority of the drum tracks for that EP he mentioned, here are some gems from the e-mails we had back-and-forth:

"I would like to start tracking guitars next weekend on Jan. 29 if possible. So stop doing school work and get me some drums and I will send you more money to buy booze with."

"The working song title is 'Far Beyond Donkeys Balls.'"

"Subject: Two scoops of MIDI please

Hi Jeff, I have finally finished the demo of a new song. Actually I finished a whole bunch of songs, hated them all, rewrote them 9000 times and still hated them. So I went back and listened this one again and thought it wasn't as retarded as I recalled. It is 185 bpm.

So make like an Indian that makes drums and see what you can come up with.


"Hi Jeff, I have a new song done that is actually not a can of poop. It is 200 bpm. Drums please with an extra side fries and a diet coke."

"Hey Jeff, I don't mean to interrupt you get drunk and railing Irish wenches, but when can I expect some drums?"

"I will take a listen to it tonight after work. Have fun deflowering potato maidens."

And the last one, after his e-mail address had been phished and sent spam out:

"I know. It is so gay. At least it was not the email address I use to pick up slutty chicks."

I will seriously miss the dude.
Yes his actual last reply is the 2nd post in this very thread and is not a very positive one. I'm not talking about him with past tense though until any actual bad news. Because from what we know he could just be in hospital.

I don't know him personally more than "one of the dudes on the Sneap forum" but I really feel sad for what happens to him and truly hope we get some super good news.
I have no idea who the dude is, but this quote is reason enough for him to be one of the greatest people anywhere in the world

"I will take a listen to it tonight after work. Have fun deflowering potato maidens."

Seriously hope he's okay, i'm absolutely creased with laughter after that
Hoping for good news too. I'm new to the forum and didn't really cross paths with the OP but I'd like to echo the positive sentiments throughout the thread.
Fuck. I was a creep and searched his friends list for his last name, found his wife. This is her most recent public post:

"Once upon a time it was really great to have Steve's birthday and our wedding anniversary three days apart... This year, not so much.

Happy Anniversary Baby! Gator killed you a possum last night. The stupidest things make me miss you so much. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥"

RIP Midget Donkey, may you forever bask in Mel's glory.