Steve was one of the absolutely funniest dudes on this forum, and perhaps on the internet in some crazy way. I programmed the majority of the drum tracks for that EP he mentioned, here are some gems from the e-mails we had back-and-forth:
"I would like to start tracking guitars next weekend on Jan. 29 if possible. So stop doing school work and get me some drums and I will send you more money to buy booze with."
"The working song title is 'Far Beyond Donkeys Balls.'"
"Subject: Two scoops of MIDI please
Hi Jeff, I have finally finished the demo of a new song. Actually I finished a whole bunch of songs, hated them all, rewrote them 9000 times and still hated them. So I went back and listened this one again and thought it wasn't as retarded as I recalled. It is 185 bpm.
So make like an Indian that makes drums and see what you can come up with.
"Hi Jeff, I have a new song done that is actually not a can of poop. It is 200 bpm. Drums please with an extra side fries and a diet coke."
"Hey Jeff, I don't mean to interrupt you get drunk and railing Irish wenches, but when can I expect some drums?"
"I will take a listen to it tonight after work. Have fun deflowering potato maidens."
And the last one, after his e-mail address had been phished and sent spam out:
"I know. It is so gay. At least it was not the email address I use to pick up slutty chicks."
I will seriously miss the dude.