Candlemasses First Four albums


New Metal Member
Aug 20, 2010
Anyone else think that Candlemasses first four albums are some of the greatest doom albums of all time? :rock:
I think pretty much everybody thinks that.

Except for me. Much too 80s and epic for me, not to my taste. Their more recent work is effing great though.
Epic stuff rubs me the wrong way. Even the epic stuff I like has to be played sparringly or my head will explode.
Jesus, whenever there's a discussion over Candlemass' first 4, the only two anyone ever mentions are EDM and Nightfall. How about some Tales of Creation love?
Tales of Creation > Nightfall for me. But EDM has to win with those first two songs.

Also, I wasn't under the impression that Trouble was all that good after Psalm 9, what else is worthwhile?