Cannabis in your favorite Dishes

Because what i was clearly implying is that good weed gets you high mind, body and soul, you illiterate dummy.

You're calling me illiterate and you're talking about getting your soul high? Put the bong down mate.

Anyway, what i was saying is that all these dumb kids nowadays who are like "ohh this strain give you a light body high and this one gives you a head high" or edibles "just give you a body high" is nonsense. The reasons those edibles don't give you a proper high is because the stuff used in it is garbage. The reasons why some weed gives you just a tingle and not the full on experience is because it's from a weak strain or plant. A lot of those edibles don't even contain flower and are made of the trimmings and water leaves from the plants.

Yeah I don't know about any of that cultural connoisseur horseshit either. I just meant you feel a sleep paralysis-like effect when you eat it. Like gravity is gluing you to the couch, I love the feeling.

That being said, you would probably go bonkers if you smoked the stuff we have out here in California.

I don't doubt it. My drug days are well behind me tbh, I can't even remember the last time I smoked weed of any quality, so I'd probably get blown out now.
People with drug habits are pretty pathetic anyway. My mother would rather tons of shitty beer over good quality beer, or cheap boxed wine. I don't really think highly of people who sacrifice fun and enjoyment for the base effects of their drug of choice. I'd rather a cocktail.
didn't catch this ninja edit.

cocktails are for women and faggots. I would rather drink some proper bourbon or a single malt scotch. Why would i destroy the godly taste and aroma of those drinks by mixing it with fruits, sugar and other garbage?
You're calling me illiterate and you're talking about getting your soul high? Put the bong down mate.
Yes im calling you illiterate because you either are or have aspergers or something and always need me to break down the most simplest of statements for you. And yeah man i totally meant getting your soul high. Did i need to put an "LOL" after that for you or should i again blame your autistic affliction? And for the record i dont believe in "souls", all i was saying is good weeds gets you high as fuck. I would say "high out of your mind" right now but you might need me to break that one down for you too :lol:

Sugar? What kind of pleb faggot cocktails have your boyfriends been making you?
not a single person i hang out with drinks cocktails. And again i don't literally mean actual sugar(lmfao) you dumb fuck. Most mixers contain sugar in them.
You always have to break down things you say to people here. Funny how that works, you ask me about getting body high and then immediately after say "the whole body high/mind high thing is bullshit" and I'm illiterate for taking that to mean you think "body high" is bullshit.

Apologies, clearly I'm just too stupid to understand your posts breh.

Also you hang out with apes, hoodrats, criminals and pitbulls. I'm not shocked nobody in your circle of degenerates has touched a cocktail. Snitch-hunting crackheads and bongmongs are notorious for being high cultured aficionados of drink mixing. Take a sip dawg.
You always have to break down things you say to people here. Funny how that works, you ask me about getting body high and then immediately after say "the whole body high/mind high thing is bullshit" and I'm illiterate for taking that to mean you think "body high" is bullshit.
only to one or two retards here, you being on of them. And again, how are you having trouble with this? What i was saying is there is no such thing as "this weed gives you a body high and this weed give you a head high", and that good weed will get you high period. How are you still having trouble with this? Amazing, this just goes to prove that im probably 100% right about you being on the spectrum. And i never said "body high is bullshit" you nitwit, i said the whole "body/mind" high thing is bullshit and that good weed gets you high period. If you had more than a dozen functioning brain cells you might have figured that out by reading the rest of that post.

And lol @ you for calling someone who said they would rather drink a proper single malt scotch over trashy cocktails a degenerate. Lmfao, how separated from realty can you possibly be? A pour of Glengoyne 21? psssssh fuck that, id rather have a fucking margarita! :lol:
who said they would rather drink a proper single malt scotch

Why not both? Anyway, I don't use scotch or bourbon in a cocktail, mostly vodka. I understand why you can't drink them though, you're neither female nor a homosexual.

What i was saying is there is no such thing as "this weed gives you a body high and this weed give you a head high", and that good weed will get you high period.
and i never said "body high is bullshit" you nitwit, i said the whole "body/mind" high thing is bullshit and that good weed gets you high period.

You didn't say that initially, hence my question.
Why not both? Anyway, I don't use scotch or bourbon in a cocktail, mostly vodka.
vodka is for alcoholics and like you said, a good "base" for cocktails. I don't touch that garbage since i dont drink to get drunk. I only drink proper drams. Love the way they taste, smell and feel. If i wanted a sweet sugary drink id reach for some juice or a soda(dont really drink soda anymore though). Also most cocktails give you a shitty hangover or headache because of the fact that they have a ton of sugar in them and are usually made with the shittiest of spirits.


I understand why you can't drink them though, you're neither female nor a homosexual.
And i clearly understand why you enjoy them. Getting butt-rammed is probably much easier on you after a few bloody mary's.

You didn't say that initially, hence my question.
Yes, i did. And this is exactly what i mean when i say that the simplest of things need to be fed to you. When i asked you "did you not get a "body high" from smoking good weed" and then proceeded to say "Good weed gets you high, better weed gets you higher" and that the whole "body/mind" (all in the same post if i might add) is nonsense, what in the world did you think i meant? Or did you just read words and not actually think before responding?

And I love how you always try to mention "others" here whenever i point out your stupidity. And this is the guy who's always pretending to be some kind of anti-collectivist. Lmao, you're a phony down to the core and are nothing more than a groupie. That being said, there is literally only one other person here that would have replied like you did and had that much trouble with my post. But no worries, i'm always happy to pull out the feeder spoon for you.

I just notice how whenever you get into a disagreement you bring out the "can't believe I need to explain this to you" rhetoric. Nothing to do with collectivism, you just think you're more coherent than you actually are.
So you think me pointing out that you cant understand what you read(which happens a lot with you as others here have pointed out numerous time btw) has anything to do with marijuana or our disagreement over cocktails and whiskies? :lol: truly amazing. Were you dropped on your head when you were a child? Or can we just blame this on your mother for pounding cheap wine and beer when you were still in her womb?
So you think me pointing out that you cant understand what you read(which happens a lot with you as others here have pointed out numerous time btw)

If what others here point out had any gravitas you'd have some self-awareness.

Were you dropped on your head when you were a child? Or can we just blame this on your mother for pounding cheap wine and beer when you were still in her womb?

She became an alcoholic much later in life.
Sorry I'm not as hard and real as your soap-dropping cuzzes. Cocktails are for special occasions, I'm not busting them out every night or some shit. Also again; why not both?

I don't drink much of any kind of alcohol anymore anyway. Waste of fucking money. I still have all this shit left over from when I used to drink a lot and at this rate I'll probably be putting them in my will haha. I just don't drink anymore.

Sorry I'm not as hard and real as your soap-dropping cuzzes. Cocktails are for special occasions, I'm not busting them out every night or some shit. Also again; why not both?

I don't drink much of any kind of alcohol anymore anyway. Waste of fucking money. I still have all this shit left over from when I used to drink a lot and at this rate I'll probably be putting them in my will haha. I just don't drink anymore.

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Sorry but Jack Daniels is horrible and their single barrel is on par with most of the bottom shelf to mid shelf bourbons out here. But JD is one of the main mixers used worldwide so im not really shocked that you're stocked up on that shit.

Lol you keep trying to degrade me by acting like i'm some 18 year old gang banger or something just because i have standards and dislike rats and snitches like yourself. Need i remind you that your mother is a crackhead alcoholic and your older peers were mostly druggies if i remember correctly(btw no one i'm friends with does anything outside of smoking weed and drinking, i dislike druggies and even people who cant handle themselves when drinking). Don't try to project your own low tier lifestyle and habitat on others here. You're trash who lives in the australian boondies, you probably have no car and live in your mothers old beat up shack and shop at thrift stores. I on the other hand have pieces of furniture that cost more than you do and would probably purchase everything you own and love with just a part of what i have in my likker cabinet.
Sorry but Jack Daniels is horrible and their single barrel is on par with most of the bottom shelf to mid shelf bourbons out here. But JD is one of the main mixers used worldwide so im not really shocked that you're stocked up on that shit.

It was a gift haha, but okay.

Lol you keep trying to degrade me by acting like i'm some 18 year old gang banger or something just because i have standards and dislike rats and snitches like yourself.

Oh yeah you have standards because you think old ladies shouldn't report community criminals to the cops or something. Gangbanger shoots a little kid by accident? Keep your mouth shut ya rat snitch.

Need i remind you that your mother is a crackhead alcoholic and your older peers were mostly druggies if i remember correctly(btw no one i know does anything outside of smoking weed, i dislike druggies).

My mother isn't a crackhead, just an alcoholic (very common among aboriginals in general) and no you don't need to remind me.

Don't try to project your own low tier lifestyle and habitat on others here. You're trash who lives in the australian boondies, you probably have no car and live in your mothers old beat up shack and shop at thrift stores. I on the other hand have pieces of furniture that cost more than you do and would probably purchase everything you own and love with just a part of what i have in my likker cabinet.

Hahaha, delusional. Only a sociopath would use furniture in a dick-measuring contest online. You should seek help immediately.

I definitely do shop at thrift stores though, it's where I get majority of my DVDs.
Oh yeah you have standards because you think old ladies shouldn't report community criminals to the cops or something.
are you retarded? Are you comparing full grown men telling on other full grown men to old ladies reporting crimes? :lol: why am i not surprised.

btw a gangbanger that shoots a little kid by accident is not going to make it and is much worse than a snitch and will probably get dealt with by his own friends before the cops even get to him.

Hahaha, delusional. Only a sociopath would use furniture in a dick-measuring contest online. You should seek help immediately.
Dick measuring? :lol: Again, so what you took from that post was really me saying i have some awesome furniture or something? Aspergers confirmed. You truly are the most shallow person on this forum. Me pointing out that i have a recliner or whatever that costs more than your life isnt me talking about furniture, it's me pointing out what kind of worthless piece of shit you are. I have old shoes that are worth more than your existence. Is that easier for you to digest or do you literally think i'm talking about my shoes there? Lmao what a dumb fuck
are you retarded? Are you comparing full grown men telling on other full grown men to old ladies reporting crimes? :lol: why am i not surprised.

What if a grown man reports another grown man to the police for doing illegal shit? Or are you only morally opposed to grown men reporting other grown men for posting spoilers on a forum? These are important philosophical questions.

Dick measuring? :lol: Again, so what you took from that post was really me saying i have some awesome furniture or something? Aspergers confirmed. You truly are the most shallow person on this forum. Me pointing out that i have a recliner or whatever that costs more than your life isnt me talking about furniture, it's me pointing out what kind of worthless piece of shit you are. I have old shoes that are worth more than your existence. Is that easier for you to digest or do you literally think i'm talking about my shoes there? Lmao what a dumb fuck

"My greasy vintage Armenian furniture is worth more than your existence dawg" damn you obliterated me.

ahh in that case it's acceptable. Its not that cheap either, about $45-50 a bottle out here. I see the Gentleman Jack too, but what do you have stashed in the back there? Is that a Johnnie Walker in the gold box?

This is what's in the back mang: