Cannibal Corpse is the most insane band on the planet. Seriously.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Even after listening to them for over 10 years, I never really thought this until after seeing those dudes live last night. Imagine all the insanity of their records and multiply it tenfold. It was fucking exhausting just watching them, and I wasn't moshing or doing much more than the stationary headbang. They must have played about 20 songs, and they looked ritualistic in their execution. Four of them would approach the front of the stage and become a flurry of massacre and hair (except Pat, who's bald as fook) for 3 minutes at a time, then they would all walk back to the drumset and have a conference of sorts before the next song. Not one single note was missed, and every time Corpsegrinder wasn't growling he had a full whirlwind going. Cliche or not, that shit still looks cool. :loco:

I'll try to get a full live report written for this show (which included Hypocrisy, Exhumed, and Vile), but since my order of "scotch on the rocks" translated to "cup full o' scotch" there might be a few gaps. :Spin:
I saw them at last Wacken, and they were excellent indeed, too bad I had the worst hangover of my life at the moment, same as when seeing Immortal, so I did no moshing for either. I'm no fan of death metal in general, but I honestly think they fucking rocked despite my rathen unpleasant condition.
Moshing is cool when you have the energy for it (I sadly don't any more, but I used to have a great rep) and the right music is going...usually it's the music that's more retarded than the moshing :loco:

I wouldn't think you'd mosh to Immortal though...
I've never found it retarded in the least, provided there's some order to it, meaning that only consenting parties participate, and also that it is performed in the appropriate place of a venue, the "pit" area.

I sound like a fuckin' lawyer. o_O
But those are the unwritten laws of the Pit! Along with the fact that you help out anyone who goes down, of course :cool:
Definitely, but I've seen some pits full of fucking assholes just trying to beat people up. I hate seeing that.
I don't like mosh pits at all. Yeah, they do make the audience seem stupid when they're smashing into each other.

Argh, I wish I could see Cannibal Corpse.
What's worse:

(a) Mosh pits
(b) Sea of people, standing like statues, staring at the band with blank faces

It's amazing how often I see (b) here in the US. I don't get it at all. No applause between songs, no showing of the horns \m/ , no singing along, no drinking and being merry. And these are all 20 year olds without a care in the world. I mean, why bother even going? When did metal shows become a library-held lecture?
Yeah I hate that too. Most shows I've been to there's only a handful of people like that though, they just stare forward. I don't mosh anymore but I'm always moving/dancing/headbanging/spazzing.

The only thing that makes me want to kill is people trying to talk OVER the music. This one fucking cuntwhore at Jerry Cantrell about 20 feet away from me was yapping so loud I could hear her over the PA. I went over and asked her (politely) to keep it down and she copped a very bizarre confrontational attitude, and then her own friends told her to shut up and hauled her ass outside. Idiot bitch.
Don't get me wrong guys. I'm not saying moshing is the be all end all, but I've come to expect it at metal shows. It comes with the territory. Yeah, it's dumb, just as much as stage diving (although I never see that anymore), and crowd surfing, but I live with it. I have no issues in seeing the band from the back at the arena.

What I can't stand is people who are just so obviously bored with what they're seeing/hearing. Same applies to that bitch who was talking over the Jerry Cantrell performance. And it's even worse when the show is sold out. You just know there's an army of die hard fans who turned up expecting to buy tickets at the door only to be turned away because some loser with nothing better to do and armed with an AMEX card got to Ticketmaster first.
One should be required to show your fanboy collection before buying tickets to a show. :loco:

Tool did something like that a few years ago, they had a series of small venue shows that the only way to get tickets was to be on their email list, waiting around for a password. Fortunately the one show I got tickets for, 99% of the people in there were diehard fans. Unfortunately, this waste of life I used to call a friend of mine bought as many tickets to those exclusive shows as he could and sold them for profit on eBay. What a piece of shit, and I grew up with that idiot.
eh, I stand there and enjoy the show. How the fuck can you see the performance with your head going up and down?
metal pits are pretty tame compared to punk/hardcore pits. especially hardcore. those fuckers throw punches and kick and swing their arms around and shit.