Cannibalised Studio Report & Pics


Nov 12, 2004
'Cannibalised' Studio Report

'It’s hard to comprehend the enormity of the volume of work Chris Tsangarides has done in the past. I have been co producing our new album ‘Cannibalised’ at his studio and in between recordings and preparation sessions Chris tells me stories that make me feel in awe. Best example were the stories of the Painkiller album but even more crazy the fact that he was responsible for Vivian Campbell joining Dio. After that Vivian recorded one of my most favorite metal albums Holy Diver, I mean….WTF? And stories like that come in thick and fast.

My experience here has been awesome. Started with sorting out the drum sound with Matt C and then Chris Webb arrived in Dover on the 21st of July with a Framus stack.
We ended up using the Framus amps plus a head manufactured by Chris Tsangarides plus a new amp called 'WKZ- little devil' which sounded insane! There only five of those made so far so we were very lucky to use it.

Since then we have recorded the rhythm guitars and started compiling and mixing the orchestral parts. Fucking hard work but we hope the guys out there who dig the band will like the final result.

I also recorded a couple of vocals that was left to be done.
After Chris Webb was done I was left with Chris Tsangarides who has been working on the drums and I am glad to witness how he creates awesome drum sounds with mixing techniques that are unfortunately fading in a sea of cheap computers and plasticky pluggins.

We will soon start doing final mixes and I can’t wait to see what the main man will do.

Nearing the end of one of our drum sessions Chris played me Rocka Rolla and Sad Winds Of Destiny and talked about the recordings. The guy was there. He was there recording songs like Victim of changes and The Ripper. Songs that have now become classics. Sorry for going on about it but it’s not every day you hear stories about your favorite artists from the man who produced them.
And to top it all of he is cooking the best Greek food on the planet lol ! And for that I am hugely grateful!!

The sound of the album is shaping very well. Chris gave me two choices. Huge sound ’a’ or Huge sound ’b’ !
I am confident as hell that he will do a very good job. All I can tell you guys so far is that we are working really hard on this album and we hope you will like the final thing'




...sure beats working at ASDA :p. I really hope you're documenting all this ! Such a guy must have incredible stories to tell. \m/><\m/