Can't really seem to dial a guitar tone in right

Mar 15, 2011
I can get a pretty dope tone for one guitar, but the other... I just can't find something that works the way I want it.

I'm not sure where the problem lies.

It's an LTD MH-250NT, loaded with Seymour Duncan Blackouts, tuned to drop A (but its a 6 string) and I'm using Ernie Ball Beefy Slinky's on it.

Looking to get a DI tone, and my live tone is dope... just not DI

Original signal shouldn't be an issue, seeing as my other guitar I can accomplish a dope tone with.

I'm using a Line 6 UX1 btw.
Well, based on my experience (LTD EC-407 7-string with EMGs and a UX1 with Pod Farm and other sims), little changes make a huge difference. Always throw a Screamer sim in front of the amp sims, dial down the distortion to only what you need, and suck out the nasty wheezy resonances around 3k-4k and then see how it sounds. You probably have way more experience than I do so you might know those things already, but other than that, it's just a function of the amp sim, the cab sim, and basic EQ'ing. I can't speak to Nick Crow's stuff since I'm on a Mac, but the TSE X50 is allegedly awesome and LePou's LexTac is probably my favorite amp sim. His LeGion is also excellent, though it isn't modeled on any head in particular.