

Oct 5, 2004
Scored another Caparison lastnight! A nice old rare Apple Horn too!


nice i want one to...a shame they'r so expensive...
but i guess you get what you pay for...
I never saw what's so special about them, aside from certain artists endorsing them. bolt on neck, single coil neck pickup, hardly any control pots... but hey, whatever.
Im selling my Horus if anyone is interested email me: ill give it to you for 15% off whatever guitar asylum sells it for, cheaper, no 4 month wait, already professionally setup, deal of the century! by the way you cant judge a guitar by its specs, if that was the case, Ibanez JPM's would suck and so would millions of other guitars that are good because of the construction, by the way, the best guitarists in the world use bolt on, non-active pickups (steve vai, satriani, petrucci, and ygnwie uses single coils!)
actually, your argument is "these famous guitarists with thousands of dollars in rack equipment use this type of gear". why spend so much trying to fix tone, as i'm sure any guitar would sound awesome through the rigs they play?

personally i'd rather have it right from the start. if you wish, i can post an abbreviated article i wrote about guitar construction. as someone who researched this and built an axe by hand (literally hand tools from scratch) as well as being an engineer, i think i am qualified in my asessment.

just because mr famous uses it doesn't mean it's any better, but probably means it costs more. if you insist that bolt on necks and single coil pickups are better than noise cancelling humbuckers or neck-through-body construction, the only arguments you can possibly hope to defend are 1. single coils are slightly cheaper and 2. bolt on necks are replaceable.

tonally, you're fighting a losing battle. but then, if you have thousands to spend on an extensive rack and corrective gear, sure, you can get good tone out of these things too.

ps; before anyone brings up the subjectivity of tone, i am referring to maximizing the instrumental response, ie sustain and vibrational phase/amplitude.

oh and hey, i'm not ripping on evergrey or anyone who uses em, if i were sponsored i'd probably use them too. i just don't think they're the best thing around, and don't see what all the fuss is about.
Kenneth R. said:
actually, your argument is "these famous guitarists with thousands of dollars in rack equipment use this type of gear". why spend so much trying to fix tone, as i'm sure any guitar would sound awesome through the rigs they play?

personally i'd rather have it right from the start. if you wish, i can post an abbreviated article i wrote about guitar construction. as someone who researched this and built an axe by hand (literally hand tools from scratch) as well as being an engineer, i think i am qualified in my asessment.

just because mr famous uses it doesn't mean it's any better, but probably means it costs more. if you insist that bolt on necks and single coil pickups are better than noise cancelling humbuckers or neck-through-body construction, the only arguments you can possibly hope to defend are 1. single coils are slightly cheaper and 2. bolt on necks are replaceable.

tonally, you're fighting a losing battle. but then, if you have thousands to spend on an extensive rack and corrective gear, sure, you can get good tone out of these things too.

ps; before anyone brings up the subjectivity of tone, i am referring to maximizing the instrumental response, ie sustain and vibrational phase/amplitude.

oh and hey, i'm not ripping on evergrey or anyone who uses em, if i were sponsored i'd probably use them too. i just don't think they're the best thing around, and don't see what all the fuss is about.

Have you seen Yngwies live rig, I have, ive played w/ him. Its nothing crazy, a few pedals thru a loop switcher and a tuner. Does hs live tone suck? I think not. Have you tried a Caparison? then you dont know what the "HYPE" is about. I have owned close to 70 guitars in my time playing and this is what I choose to play because of the feel, craftsmanship and tone. I dont play Caparison because of the endorsees...IM an endorsee, english/caparison-peterjoseph.html Just dont be so quick to say something sucks or isnt worth the money if you havent even played it...So I guess you can give us a review of the new Evergrey record without hearing it too, cool.
Hey, you're going off on me for no reason. I've played them or i wouldn't be dumb enough to post anything. I guess our opinions drastically differ. Unlike you, I don't have the money to afford 70 guitars, I've got 3, which I am happy with. In my opinion, Yngwie's tone, his approach to melody, and his attitude all suck, again, in my opinion.

My only cause to post anything at all is I feel the hype here and among symphony x fans among others, is unjustified. I'm allowed my opinion aren't I? You post yours as a player and endorsee, I post mine as a player and engineer. No need to bitch at me about it.

As for Evergrey, I think they rock, tone regardless.
Shamus said:
They spelled the album title "FORM Your Grave" :erk:

Edit: And it says Soilwork at the top of the window. Oh those crazy Japanese!
Yeah, I noticed as well. They spend all thier time building they have to type really, really fast!:loco:
Bolt on....Neck Thru.....Active/Passive...Single coil/Humbucker....Hard tail/Floyd Rose........Yes, they do make a difference, but true tone is in the hands of the player. I have seen guys with a Fender twin, Standard Strat and an Ibanez TS9 rip up like guy with a huge rig. They may not have had all the Gee-Whiz efx...but the tone was BRUTAL. I have also seen Eddie Van Halen play an old Kramer Striker through a Peavey Bandit, guess what?????? He sounded like Eddie.
I personally would love to try a Caparison. I appreciate the simplicity of the Horus. I wonder how many "everday" players actually use a middle pickup anyway? I really wouldn't mind ditching the trem too!
I am a bolt on fan, I find that because the neck is not part of the actual body of the instrument the energy from the strings does NOT transfer into the body it self (which does = less sustain) and they have a much more responsive my ear!!! I am mainly a bass player and find this to be even more true for bass, mostly because you don't have the Fx factor to color the sound.

That's just my 1 and 1/2 cents worth.
Horay! another Caparison! My super-rare Apple Horn Aurora arrived, its dead mint too.

a better pic of the holo-flake paint...

...and matching headstock!
Longjocks said:
There's not much difference with the current standard models. We're talking aesthetics and pickups only.

Actually, an older Apple Horn like the Aurora has a very different neck carve compared to the horus, its much rounder, more c shaped. And even newer Apple Horns have a slightly different feel to, and the tend to resonate more to because of the extra carving on the body.
It's always good to be educated, mate. ;) Although, is the different resonance consistent across as many AHs you have played? I ask because something like this can sometimes be put down to the fact that, as most know (presumably yourself included), two guitars that are all but identical can sound different due to the slab of timber in them, even if it was cut from the same plank.

Either way, I wish I was in a financial position to give each model a try. Maybe next year... :)
At the prices Caparison charges for their guitars I should hope consistency in tone is high on the list. A good luthier can tell the timbre of various pieces of wood, thus keeping each model very close, closer than most people can even hear.