

Also Happy Birthday, I should send you guys something eventually. Like bacon in a box.
Happy birthday, Carakins! Eww, you have to work??? I hope they don't work you too hard :(

By the way, this sticker would go well with a certain bumper sticker ;)


i thought if you worked more than 40 hours not counting vacation/holidays by law they gotta give you overtime?

I don't know if its a Texas thing or not but when I was working at Circuit City and Pizza Hut I usually didn't get paid any extra for overtime.

Sorry they're working you so hard Cara! At least you can look forward to things going back to normal next week?
Happy birthday Carapoo! Even though no one gives a shit, I'll still post your Final Fantasy starsign!

Zeromus, the Condemner


"Honoring the law more than any other, a scion of holy order and condemner of criminals. Created in opposition to Knight-Star Pashtarot, scion of light. He turns his deep, abiding hatred for those who break the law into living darkness, therein to plunge the guilty in fell judgment. Over time, he came to care less for upholding the law and more for condemnation, and so tainted by hate, he sought to condemn the gods themselves to death. Thus, did he earn the title "The Condemner", and thus did he fall from grace."

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