Carcass lead tone in PodXT


Apr 23, 2002
Ok, so I found a transformer and started screwing around with the POD. I am trying to create a heavy metal rhythm sound that I will use throughout my first demo, but I still have a long way to go. In the meanwhile... I always wanted to copy Carcass-Necroticism era lead sound. The same lead sound also can be heard on Nasum-Shift in like 2 songs(The Engine of Death and Deleted Scenes). Did anyone try to get that sound with the POD? If so with which settings? Which amp model do you guys think would be a good starting point?
commandante said:
Ok, so I found a transformer and started screwing around with the POD. I am trying to create a heavy metal rhythm sound that I will use throughout my first demo, but I still have a long way to go. In the meanwhile... I always wanted to copy Carcass-Necroticism era lead sound. The same lead sound also can be heard on Nasum-Shift in like 2 songs(The Engine of Death and Deleted Scenes). Did anyone try to get that sound with the POD? If so with which settings? Which amp model do you guys think would be a good starting point?

I await this answer as well. :Spin:

I wonder if anyone knows how to get a Carcass: Heartwork rhythm sound out of the Pod XT. :)