I found a Nasum tone in PODxt


Apr 23, 2002
I have been waiting to wait a little more for this, but I am losing my hope. :cry:

I hope Mieszko is still alright, but I still want to honor him with this tone I came up in POD. I have been working on this for the last couple of days, I also thought of buying the model packs to use either the Mesa Triple Rectifier(post-Helvete) or Fender Dual Showman(pre-Helvete) as a starting point, but I guess it is always better to come up with something you already have in hand. This is my first try at finding a tone in POD so don't be harsh to me, but I am open to suggestions. I hope you guys like it and I hope Mieszko is still alive.

I used this models for the tone:
Fender Twin
Marshall 4x12 T75 Cab
Big Muff Pi Pedal
Sennheiser MD 421 Dynamic Mic
I actually prefered this setup, rather than hi-gain amp model or hi-gain and distortion. This setup for this kind of sound has actually a lot more clarity and none of the hum that the other setups have and that without a noise gate. The cab model gives it the growl and the dynamic mic almost a reverb-like quality. Now download this tone and try it, because NASUM FUCKING RULES! :headbang:

Nasum POD tone
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
What type of file is that?

It's a POD file.

That tone sounds horrible on my setup! You could never record with that tone, haha! Way too much bottom end.