I just got my new guitar and I tried out the patches, kazrog, andy and diobolical5150s and I had to roll back the drive/gain... but with my washburn I have to turn up the gain. By the way, I think the guitar rocks and I almost pissed my pants when I opened the case. It's a handmade J.Nunis guitar from the USA, I choosed everything from the wood, hardware, placement, design, colours, pickups, settings. A cool detail is the "P" inlay on the 12:th fret, P as in Patrik (my name). So I'm like a happy little boy before christmas right now.

mp3 audiofile


Black neon soulsoffire said:
@ Kazrog: Thank you for the info. What tricks do you use for mixing (Plug-Ins, EQs, etc.)? Do you overdub your guitar tracks?
I think the 5150 is a great amp for this kind of music. I personaly like the Triple Rectifier with original Mesa Cab more, but here in Germany the Peavy is half the price.

I quadruple track my guitar tracks, with few or no overdubs. I actually didn't use the Big Bottom sound on the demo, but it was something that we considered along the way. The final tone is the Criminal sound, 2 tracks with virtual MD 421, two tracks with virtual SM57. The 421 tracks are hard panned, the 57 tracks are 80% panned, and all guitar tracks are run to a stereo bus with a C4 (using Andy's settings as a starting point) on it and an API EQ plug-in to add some crack to the highs.

I am getting a 6505+ (5150 II) this month, I've been waiting since April as Peavey can't keep up with demand! The 5150 sound is VERY MUCH what I am after.

This should answer both your and Black Neon Bob's questions
Well got some probs with my POD XT too...

I think basically I´m doing the same thing like all you here. but i can´t manage to get my guitars that fucking transparent.
I tryed to reach the tone of the nevermore dead heart... and once i tryed to get that dirty hatesphere sound. with one guitar i´m almost very close to it. But when i record four tracks the sound is fat and big, but lost all the transparency.
is that just an characteristic to the pod. ore may that occur i am using the TS simulation of the pod and no real TS???
Although i am using Andys C4 settings, the guitars overcast to much of the other instruments.

any suggestions?
dasbuchi said:
Well got some probs with my POD XT too...

I think basically I´m doing the same thing like all you here. but i can´t manage to get my guitars that fucking transparent.
I tryed to reach the tone of the nevermore dead heart... and once i tryed to get that dirty hatesphere sound. with one guitar i´m almost very close to it. But when i record four tracks the sound is fat and big, but lost all the transparency.
is that just an characteristic to the pod. ore may that occur i am using the TS simulation of the pod and no real TS???
Although i am using Andys C4 settings, the guitars overcast to much of the other instruments.

any suggestions?

I don't even use the stomp box models. I don't really like them. The virtual TS blows if you ask me.
Can anybody upload any metal patches for POD XT?
Any previsious links are died...
Time to revive this thread.

Anyone have any decent POD tones? I just got a POD X3 and just downloaded Shane's tones. Any others you'd recommend?
dear christ.

wake up on the wrong side of bed this morning? hmm?

If you're referring to the fact that there are probably other threads about this... I can't do a search for "POD" because it's 3 characters instead of the 4 minimum. I do a search for "POD TONE" and I get the same error. I do a search for "tone" and "tones" but I get shit that isn't what i'm looking for.
Probably has something to do with that fact that you bumped a thread from 2005 while asking for presets....

Also, you probably should read the Sticky FAQ because that answers your search problem. I don't understand why people miss this :)


Well... I already looked there. Most of those links are dead. Andy's Pod tone: DEAD. C4 settings: DEAD. TubeScreamer/5150 settings: DEAD.

Can you tell me where to find them? ... and then i'll shut up :)
Since when did people on here stop being helpful and just end up being sarcastic and condescending towards others? This place is beginning to be home of some arrogant pricks. (no offense to those that ARE helpful and nice -- there are quite a few of you here. But there are some that are just jerks)

I understand the frustration to see threads that have already been posted, but I was simply bumping an older thread that seemed to have merit as it was the only one I found. Most links in other threads relating to guitar tones, drum tones, samples, etc., are all dead. So despite finding threads in a proper search, it's pointless if all the links are dead anyway.

It also helps people save time by being friendly and helpful and simply posting a link or two for someone that doesn't know where something is. I've spent the last hour trying to find tones and either links are broken or the discussion in the thread is irrelevant.

If you can help, please post. Otherwise, leave your negativity at the door and stop belittling others because you think you're a know-it-all. Thank you. :Smug:
Presets are only useful for the person that created them. They will not work on every source and sound amazing. Maybe you should spend some time crafting your own sounds and trying to learn yourself, instead of trolling the forum for patches and presets, bumping 4 year old threads to try and mooch off presets that will "make you sound amazing" from the get go
uber: What Zack was trying to tell you is that in that FAQ Sticky there is a part at the top of it that tells you how to get around the 3-character thing here by putting your search term in Google and then pasting what's in the grey box after it and searching that way with Google. It will search only these forums instead of the entire internet.
uber: What Zack was trying to tell you is that in that FAQ Sticky there is a part at the top of it that tells you how to get around the 3-character thing here by putting your search term in Google and then pasting what's in the grey box after it and searching that way with Google. It will search only these forums instead of the entire internet.

This, thanks dude :)