POD Once again


Mar 11, 2005
Some love that toy some hate it ;)

What du you guys think about dailing in a tone from pod over a real cabinet and record it?
I think you guys got the equipment to do this ;)

does it make sense to record a pod over a real amp, or is it worth and it is better to go with the digital simulation?

did anybody somthing this way?

Sorry for the bad english :err: e few years out of school, and all vocabulary has gone where the sun don´t shine :D
dasbuchi said:
does it make sense to record a pod over a real amp, or is it worth and it is better to go with the digital simulation?

Hi! Try checking the 'Thestoryteller' 'quick hello/introduction thread! Something similar is in discussion there, with a V-amp2 on the discussion but applicable to the PodXT as well!

I've run the PODxt through a Sonic Maximizer and then through a tube power amp and have gotten a little more "thicker" results than running direct in. But it takes much more time to dial in right. I still prefer to layer the direct tones.