Recording a live amp at low volumes...

sah5150 said:
So James, you are saying that you can hear a clear difference between the pod's "d.i." output and your Radial AFTER you have reamped it through a screaming tube amp? I've got clips of my guitar recorded direct through my amp live and reamped from a pod di out and honestly, I can't tell the difference between those, nevermind a different di for the original guitar pickup ouput... Maybe I just dont have very good ears...

well, the reamping process is very forgiving in that regard, because of the hi gain amp you can get away with murder often on the d.i. side... but i prefer to use my Radial all the same and i do feel the end quality is a little better... anyway, you are not always reamping only totallly heavy sounds... there's quite a range between totally clean and totlally distorted, and the more the sound needs to be cleaner, the more you will hear a difference.
James Murphy said:
well, the reamping process is very forgiving in that regard, because of the hi gain amp you can get away with murder often on the d.i. side... but i prefer to use my Radial all the same and i do feel the end quality is a little better... anyway, you are not always reamping only totallly heavy sounds... there's quite a range between totally clean and totlally distorted, and the more the sound needs to be cleaner, the more you will hear a difference.

Cool. Thanks man...
