Carcass - Swansong


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

Didn't realize how awesome this is. For some reason, I stopped at "Heartwork" and then recently, NAD's "assistant" <sent> {me} a "CD-R" and I was taken by :surprise:.

This is pretty instant gratification too. Just a solid heavy metal record. :kickass:

Must buy this. Hopefully I can pick it up cheap too. :loco:

P.S. NAD - can you tell your "assistant" to get the fucken song order sorted out on all her "CD-Rs". Looking at the tracklisting for this and it's not how it's ordered on the "CD-R". :mad:

actually its not shit but it is pretty lame
to be honest I'm not even fussed on heartwork

maybe because necrotism is the greatest death metal album ever

J mentions Entombed not getting the same flak for such a radical switch
this was down to them releasing wolverine blues which is a total classic
I didn't like Wolverine BLues near as much as Swansong. In all honestly, I dont really dig any album by Entombed. Give me Grave, Asphyx, or old EoS for that sound.
Swansong has two good songs, the first and last of the album.

A couple of the songs left off the album (that were on the Wake Up and Smell the Carcass thingy) are pretty good too.

But it's pretty frickin flat compared to every other Carcass album. I won't go so far as to say they made the album like that because they thought it was going to be released on Columbia (Blackstar Rising and Firebird and I'm sure Walker's Country covers thing show they weren't pressured into leaving grind and death), but I will say that indeed sounds like a watered down, pseudo metal piece of "edgy" "hard" "loud" music one would expect from a major label.
I think since I'm not passionate about Grind at all, unlike some other genres, Swansong's watered-down-ness doesn't bother me at all.
i like swansong, heartwork and necroticism destroy it though...i bust it out sometimes but there's better death'n'roll stuff out there, i prefer a great album to an ok album by a great band
JayKeeley said:
P.S. NAD - can you tell your "assistant" to get the fucken song order sorted out on all her "CD-Rs". Looking at the tracklisting for this and it's not how it's ordered on the "CD-R". :mad:
Huh? I always name the tracks starting with 01, 02, 03, etc. so as to avoid this. :erk:

Yeah this album is great. Not amazing like Necroticism and Heartwork, but still very good. Excellent hooks and cool production.
NADatar said:
Huh? I always name the tracks starting with 01, 02, 03, etc. so as to avoid this. :erk:

You might be right, but if I look at the tracklisting over at librarius, it's a little different....

Yeah this album is great. Not amazing like Necroticism and Heartwork, but still very good. Excellent hooks and cool production.

Your assistant never sent Necroticism!