Carnival Bizarre Worship


Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa
Two questions:

Which Cathedral albums are most similar to Carnival Bizarre besides the previous one?

And what bands have any albums similar to Carnival Bizarre?
Supernatural Birth Machine or Caravan Beyond Redemption. Though neither are nearly as good as The Carnival Bizarre. I'd probably give Caravan the nod over Supernatural, as it has much more memorable songs, like Captain Clegg or Heavy Load. Whereas SBM is a solid album, but nothing much stands out about it.

Off the top of my head maybe Electric Wizard's self-titled would be the closest to it, but to be honest, it's a pretty singular album.
In agreement with everything Rumpole said, but anyway these are all masterpieces by the best british doom metal band of all times, and they are all worship material, you can't go wrong with anything (more or less) that is under the CATHEDRAL tag.
By Cathedral you could get the serpents gold, its their best of/compilation and its got material representative of all their era's, it's the first thing I got by them.