carpooling from Turkey to Orphaned Land's Xanthi concert

Cracked Pleasures

New Metal Member
Jun 6, 2007
My first post at this forum, I registered especially because of Orphaned Land but will check out the rest of course as well.

I am a native Belgian who has just emigrated to Turkey and currently living in Istanbul. I emigrated to Turkey especially out of deep fascination for Middle Eastern culture and so I decided to just move here and travel the Middle East while living and working in the wonderful Istanbul. Needless to say for someone passionate about Middle Eastern stuff, I love Orphaned Land and I think the message and view of the music is simply unique.

Orphaned Land are soon playing at the metal festival of Xanthi in Greece and I would love to be there. There is an easy train connection between Istanbul and Xanthi but of course a carpooling would be more fun and give me the chance to meet some likeminded music fans in my new home city.
Is there any Turkish OL fan that drives to Xanthi and has a spare seat for me? (I would obviously pay my part of the gasoline)

Also, where can I buy a ticket for the festival online? I know day tickets are 25 euro (I only want to see OL so a day ticket will do for me) but I could only find a MySpace webpage of the festival and no online ticket shop?

Thanks in advance for any replies!

(PS: is Shlomit touring with the band? Stunning voice and appearance :cool: )
For visitors outside Greece it redirects to this website:

However, this is not an easy site. Most of it is in Greek and only the "other European countries" will not work for me because I am living in Turkey.

Is there any chance of buying tickets at the doors or would there be a big risk of the festival being sold out?

And also, on the carpooling idea, does anyone know any Turkish OL fans that may be interested in the idea? I know they have a big fanbase in Turkey so I'm sure they must have an online meeting point where I could propose the carpooling idea (or are there any here? :))
there are many turkish fans here (like me :)) but i don't think most of us will be going to greece for the show since the band has been here just a few months ago and they play in here pretty often.
I know but is does "too many" exist when it comes to good concerts? :rock: Anyway, Xanthi is very close to the border so for Istanbul based people it is as easy to get to as Ankara.

If anyone feels like the carpool, let me know, would be cool to meet some people here with similar interests (I need to build a social life in Turkey after all) and Xanthi is close enough to just go the day itself and drive back to Istanbul straight after the gig. No hotel costs needed.
I know but is does "too many" exist when it comes to good concerts? :rock: Anyway, Xanthi is very close to the border so for Istanbul based people it is as easy to get to as Ankara.

If anyone feels like the carpool, let me know, would be cool to meet some people here with similar interests (I need to build a social life in Turkey after all) and Xanthi is close enough to just go the day itself and drive back to Istanbul straight after the gig. No hotel costs needed.

To get to town Greece is not exactly the same thing like visitng Ankara for a Turkish citizen because of the crap called "visa".

By the way, where do you live in Istanbul? I would like to order you beer here!
To get to town Greece is not exactly the same thing like visitng Ankara for a Turkish citizen because of the crap called "visa".

By the way, where do you live in Istanbul? I would like to order you beer here!

I live in the Maltepe district on the Asian side of the city. That beer would always be welcome :kickass:

I do not think crossing the border to Xanthi would be a big issue as a simple tourist visa would do and I cannot imagine this would cost any money worth mentioning. Maybe I am wrong though. When I emigrated to Turkey I had my visa without any hassle anyway :cool:
> I do not think crossing the border to Xanthi would be a big issue as a simple tourist visa would do and I cannot imagine this would cost any money worth mentioning.

well the visa fee is €60 and you have to fill a deadly visa form which asks you a hotel reservation etc. and as additional you should stay in the queue on the front of Greek embassy for hours. and it's unable to enter there without visa.


Well i also live in Kartal where is next to your place. What is your phone number, can you post it to me?